Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hiatal Hernia Pain Antispasmodic

Press in solidarity with the 300 immigrants on hunger strike for their rights in Greece

Since the CNT we express our solidarity and support to the claims of immigrants on hunger strike in Greece. As usual when it reaches one of the cyclical crises capital, states seek to divert attention and blame to the weakest and most defenseless, increasing the nationalist and racist discourse that aims to make the foreigner to blame for all the evils that have taken place under the sun. A curtain of smoke that seeks not to show that the capital and the states are the only ones responsible for our current situation.

migratory movements throughout history have been produced for the same reasons: hunger and wars. Hunger has made entire populations to migrate from one area to another. Today, hunger and war is an indispensable principle for capitalism to work. Wars to control the exploitation of raw materials (The war in Congo more than 5.5 million death toll from the control coltan mines) and starvation as a result of this plunder (all can not be rich). This situation of poverty and hunger drives people to abandon their land and houses to survive where wealth is concentrated, a basic principle of survival. Only a third of immigrants who start the journey from black Africa to Europe reach its goal, the rest die on the road, a real silent genocide. Once you have managed to reach the border are the immigration laws, which prevent them from entering (non, diamonds, oil, coltan, players, captains, etc. If.) Yes eventually manage to cross the border are excluded, stigmatized, criminalized and outlawed by the immigration laws, especially labor are exploited mind the lack of any law. This cheap labor to produce high profit business, and is recognized by the states if they refuse to legalize it to continue without rights and to remain easily operated.

European immigration laws (institutional racism and xenophobia) are becoming increasingly harsh, border militarization, building walls and fences, as in Ceuta and Melilla, police pressure in cities having a face of "immigrant", deportations mass killings at the border, and so on not seeking to criminalize poverty but that Europe is creating and which it uses to increase labor exploitation and plundering poorer countries.

From the CNT we have never recognized any boundaries or law and not make a distinction between place of origin among workers. Our struggle is class struggle and our enemy the state and capital. For all this we will continue fighting against any kind of immigration law and in solidarity with those who do likewise.

Foreign Secretary



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