Friday, February 25, 2011

Can I Use Disney Characters In My Business

CNT declares conflict INTERNITY

BOUT conflict CNT amb l'empresa per l'acomiadament INTERNITY d'a delegate of the Association Section for Als

treballadors Barcelona and the National Confederation of Trade Unions Labour

Recently workers of INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM, VODAFONE official distributor of products, proceeded to set up union section of the CNT, communicating it to the company.

Seven days after the Department of INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM announced the dismissal of the representative of the Union Section, after more than five years working in the company.

This union will not allow attacks on the National Confederation of Labor and self-organization of workers in INTERNITY AVENIR TELECOM company used to suppress any trade union Conat workers, which has led to a total lack of resistance to arbitrary employers for years.

For this reason the National Confederation of Labour union against Barcelona declared conflict INTERNITY AVENIR TELECOM-up to the readmission of our representative in the company.


CNT declared conflicts INTERNITY

In Barcelona and employees of the National Trade Union Confederation of Labor: Recently

and employees of trabajadoras INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM, VODAFONE procedieron official distributor of products to form Association Section of the CNT, in comunicándoselo the company.

Seven days after the Department of INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM announced the dismissal of the delegate of the Union Section, after more than five years working in the company.

This union will not allow attacks on the National Labour Confederation and the legitimate organization of workers in INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM, the company used to suppress any outbreak of association of workers, which has led to a total absence of resistance to arbitrary employers for years.

For this reason, the National Labour Confederation of Barcelona declared trade dispute against INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM readmisión until the representante of our company.


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