Friday, February 25, 2011

Naturisme A Porto Santo

May Proceed Against Repression ASI!

inform the public that the rule of Serbia continues its repression against our organization. This time the police investigation as the Secretary General of ASI, Milan Stojanovic, on suspicion of committing a crime of theft of motor vehicle burglary, burglary and threat "for which the possible sentence is five years in prison.

For example, in 2006 Milan saw an investigation conducted by the same crime and was fired shortly thereafter. Now, five years later, the prosecution has unearthed the case, and Milan has mysteriously changed its role as a witness to defendant. To make things even more absurd, Milan can not drive, in fact never even booted a car.

This is just the latest (for now) in a round of lawsuits against members forged Initiative Anarchosyndicalist-ASI.

note that a year and average six anarchists were accused of international terrorism, three members of the Local Group of ASI Vrsac were treated for suspected obstruction of justice and a Croatian citizen, who came to Belgrade in support of their fellow detainees, he spent more than six months under a prohibition to leave the country. ASI members so far have been in prison almost a thousand days, ie almost three years. In not one of the above cases the prosecution has succeeded in proving guilt whatsoever! Add to this a physical attack to the Secretary of the Local Group Kragujevac ASI by the police and numerous threats, harassment and interrogations conducted by police, and threats and attacks from fascist vigilante groups. Anarcho-syndicalist initiative

-ASI is to fight for a society based on individual and collective freedom, equality, solidarity and mutual aid, free from all forms of repression, hierarchy and authority of one man over another. Notes the essential contradictions of the society in which we live and the injustices committed by the ruling class.

Because of this, the authorities do not hesitate to use all available resources to stop the work of our organization. Knowingly and accuse innocent people arrested to silence criticism and ensure exploitation, theft and oppression people continuously.

This montage of false accusations and evidence against our members must stop! We

cancel the trial of Milan Stojanovic, Secretary General of ASI!

demand an end to repression against our organization!

Trade Union Confederation "Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative"-ASI
Section of the International Association of Workers

Belgrade 20.02.2011

Can I Use Disney Characters In My Business

CNT declares conflict INTERNITY

BOUT conflict CNT amb l'empresa per l'acomiadament INTERNITY d'a delegate of the Association Section for Als

treballadors Barcelona and the National Confederation of Trade Unions Labour

Recently workers of INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM, VODAFONE official distributor of products, proceeded to set up union section of the CNT, communicating it to the company.

Seven days after the Department of INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM announced the dismissal of the representative of the Union Section, after more than five years working in the company.

This union will not allow attacks on the National Confederation of Labor and self-organization of workers in INTERNITY AVENIR TELECOM company used to suppress any trade union Conat workers, which has led to a total lack of resistance to arbitrary employers for years.

For this reason the National Confederation of Labour union against Barcelona declared conflict INTERNITY AVENIR TELECOM-up to the readmission of our representative in the company.


CNT declared conflicts INTERNITY

In Barcelona and employees of the National Trade Union Confederation of Labor: Recently

and employees of trabajadoras INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM, VODAFONE procedieron official distributor of products to form Association Section of the CNT, in comunicándoselo the company.

Seven days after the Department of INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM announced the dismissal of the delegate of the Union Section, after more than five years working in the company.

This union will not allow attacks on the National Labour Confederation and the legitimate organization of workers in INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM, the company used to suppress any outbreak of association of workers, which has led to a total absence of resistance to arbitrary employers for years.

For this reason, the National Labour Confederation of Barcelona declared trade dispute against INTERNITY-AVENIR TELECOM readmisión until the representante of our company.

Fridge Thermostat Capillary Broken

CNT application to the Department of Territory and Sostenibilitat cessio per il · treballadors legal

- Workers reported a string of illegal subcontracts
- CIU reported the situation to be in opposition.

Workers Management Division of the Department of Infrastructure Planning and Sustainability has sued the Government for this situation is a clear transfer of illegal workers. According

union CNT, which has taken on administrative and judicial actions, there is a clear illegal recruitment in the service of the Area Management Infrastructure Department, outsourced to a suspicious string of companies that began in CTTI public body, which in subrogate IECISA, who in turn is limited to providing workers with the companies and Serik CAST-INFO. According to the union, while workers are carrying out all functions under the orders of the Department, a multitude of companies without known functions pocket full budget.

A situation in which, in the words of the delegate of the union section, "all parties are aware that the employee was rung to rung losing rights, benefits and purchasing power, while wasted millions of euros that are not allocated to the workforce or to improve service. " In particular, he adds, "the competition of the Department of Infrastructure Management talk of € 2,195,907.99, was won by the company to offer more expensive, IECISA offering € 81,329.92 per year for each worker, a figure which workers do not receive even a quarter. " The Union CNT

not understand also that the Government would continue a policy of cuts when they refuse to maintain reasonable and efficient templates, more austere in budgetary terms, and remember that the opposition CiU through the current Deputy Parliament, Pilar Pifarré since publicly denounced irregularities CTTI contract, so that requires consistency.

Blog Section Association:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Digital Playground Watch Movie

Terrassa Concentration on 26 febrer.

Now we have touched pensions. Now we have to do banking business with private plans. Time spent attending a debate to reform the pension system by which language is being used very alarmist (drastic decreases of surplus imbalance in social security accounts, etc. ..). While filled the pockets are not imported?

I still cuts and against the most disadvantaged:
have approved a series of new tax breaks for companies that for 2011 it will cost the public coffers 230 million euros
removed the subsidy of 426, rising personal income, rising VAT ...
And of labor reform more aggressively for workers throughout the recent history of this state, which seriously infringes against collective bargaining, dismissals made cheaper and encourages work part-time salary with job insecurity This implies that.

In this situation we say that the current pension system is unsustainable. Capitalism is unsustainable. Should therefore clarify some aspects:

1 - During the past thirty years the total reported in respect of fees to pay social security has been completed over the total expenditure on pensions, allowances and benefits of all kinds. In 2010 the surplus was 11,100 million. The government was created in 2000, the Reserve Fund of Social Security, which has been "saving" part of this surplus. In its inception the fund had 604 million euros in 2009 reached 60,022 million.

2 - should remember that the Education Reform intermittency increase in contributions to the pension, the increase in temporary employment trajectories and intermittent (temporary employment - unemployment - employment Fixed - ERO - unemployment - temporary employment), among other things.

also the tendency of the temporary move from being an "age effect" (the storms are coming at a young age tend to have permanent contracts, statistically speaking) to be a "generation effect" extending the temporary at any age economic sector and the result of de-regulation in the labor market, especially the recent, which will cause the resulting pension upon retirement is misery.

3 - Both increase the retirement age and increasing years to calculate the pension rights are a clear attack made by employees during their struggles:
The first option would be two years less pension two years working month (or what is the same: a loss of four years), the second cause included many stretches of discontinuous employment trajectories reducing the board last.

4 - With the reform therefore seek two goals: to
) cut the "deferred wage", ie the share of wages paid for contributions to be returned to retirement.
b) forcing the state to promote the privatization of the same (regardless that stimulates other private roads).

other hand, do not forget that private pensions are still subject to significant tax deductions for many years and never touched these deductions. Our

If there arrives to funding problems, may be financed with taxes as well as in other countries: taxes on capital; eliminate the maximum contribution to high incomes (making a fairer redistribution of income) and abolish deductions for private pension systems. Encourage the incorporation of women into the labor market (eg better maternity leave / paternity), a rate similar to other European countries, the number of trading increased.
In addition to the short-medium term measures that we have mentioned, the working class must, in parallel, set a radical critique of the capitalist system that is co-arranging the foot of the sacrosanct market welcome the government's turn. The workers have to follow the path of struggle and mobilization outlined the 29-S, which not a few places and sectors exceeded the official unions in their mobilizations, ultimately, to setting the foundations for a profound change. I will continue working every day on the street.

I struggle, day by day. While confront unions (CCOO and UGT) will make the game the government, the CNT-AIT is positioned firmly against pension reform, as well as labor reform and other cuts and so always pay crisis the rich.


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Friday, February 18, 2011

No Expiration Total Rewards

Poland, Holland and Slovakia: Actions in defense of labor rights in ETT OTTO

started the campaign against labor exploitation in OTTO ETT. On 11 February, the ZSP and Priama akcia conducted information campaigns and protests at the offices of TTE OTTO in Poland and Slovakia. In the Netherlands, a group of Polish workers, co-Vrije Bond (AGA i ZAG) and the ZSP seen some "hotel" for workers. OTTO

ETT is the largest employer of workers from Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic in the Netherlands. Payments, low, working conditions and accommodation sometimes are illegal or do not comply with the collective agreement. In addition, OTTO created a system of labor control and make money with a system of fines in the work and the hosting company. We wrote about the problems with the agency here:

The firm did not prolong the contract of one of our partners. He was unjustly and illegally fined several times and complained. Waiting for the final payment, the money did not receive the first month, the fee for the low and holidays. Instead, on Friday received a notification that he was fined again - 1000 euros - without explanation or documentation.

This is not a job - it's slave labor!

Another fellow, who lived and worked beside him, still not received payment, even though they had received 10 of the month. But payments are delayed and not complete a normal part OTTO where many workers do not know if they will get all, or whether they will receive a reduced payment, without explanation, or whether they will be fined.

Peers, with other Polish workers and former employees of Otto decided to fight and there is a campaign with Dutch Vrije Bond, the ZSP akcia Priama Poland and Slovakia. We demand that pay OTTO what to workers, to end the system of fines, which meets the promises and contracts and the collective agreement to improve conditions in their accommodation and to end the contractual discrimación. (For example. OTTO may terminate a temporary contract without notice, but workers must pay a fine of 500 euros if you do the same. And sometimes, they end the employment without notice because they did not receive full pay or have problems with unfair fines.)

actions will continue and intensify in the coming weeks.

OTTO Problems ETT In the Ú last years there have been many complaints about the practices of the ETT OTTO Workforce, particularly Poles who were sent to work in Holland. OTTO is a blacklist on the Internet as an agency worker who cheats. Some who have worked there in the past have contacted AGA and ZSP on several issues, asking what they can do. At least, they asked us to warn people and we informed of their rights and they can do if they are deceived.

In several letters, complaints our Internet forum and personal conversations, we present a preliminary list of the most typical. We're talking to more people and we hope to present more facts soon. A campaign for prospective and current workers should begin soon.

false promises in Poland

One of the most typical is that the promised work in Poland is somewhat different in reality. Sometimes they say that workers are going to do a job, but when they come to Holland, we offer something completely different. Also sometimes sign contracts with friends or family members in Poland, where they say they will work together, but can be divided when they arrive. They promise 40 hours a week for a specific period, but happen that do not receive full working hours or no work for several weeks. In the worst case, they are sent back to Poland before earning money.

Hours bands and

Many workers are transported by bus to various work sites, but sometimes there is no work and they must be ready. Some workers estimate that 25 30% of his colleagues have had periods in which they work only occasionally, eg twice a week. Sometimes to work more hours, they must work overtime. One day in 11 or 12 hours is typical when they are extraordinarily rich hours but there are also cases where they had to work 20 hours a day.

Salary, wages, fines

It's rare that workers receive minimum wage (but there is some information that this also took place) Normally, a large percentage of the wage returns to OTTO . The first thing is the inflated payments for accommodation. There are other deductions such as for the insurance portion of the money is returned by the Dutch government (300-400 euro per year) but is sent to OTTO, not workers.

recently arrived people working without all required documents (eg SOFI) for several weeks. They have no paid vacation or extra payments for working in festivos.A Although the insurance payments are deducted from their wages, often do not get paid when they are ill and receive lower fines when caught.

Workers complain about the many penalties that put them. They are fine especially in hotels and barracks for workers, where the charges are fabricated and the people are included when fined for being disorderly. Is made arbitrarily and the company tends to charge all the people in the room for the infractions of a person. Workers are often unaware of these fines to pay day and some people who complained was fired.

Finally there are sometimes problems with late payments. In cases where workers have been dismissed without notice, they have told us that they laid without paying and then struggled to collect something.

Accommodation Problems one of the main sources of wage reductions

Many people have complained about the housing conditions of many locations in the Netherlands. This is well known and have written articles in the press.

Recently, some propaganda videos have appeared on YouTube, ostensibly presenting OTTO people who work in demonstrating their good housing conditions. The people working there is that these are the public relations business because the conditions are like in the videos. The videos trying to prove that low-level property in the forest as something like a ¨ park, "or a" summer camp. "

In fact, these "camps" are something different. Many of the villages are isolated in the woods, away from everything. They often are 20 miles from any city. Social life revolves around the housing and company store or bar.

Workers also complain that they must get up very early to be transported to work, often for 1.5 - 2 hours. After work, while the bus collects people from various locations, they have to wait an hour or more. Often this means they can take 3 to 6 hours per day going to and from work.

A place in which many new workers is Laarbruch in Germany 20 kilometers from the Netherlands. People living in converted barracks of British RAF from the airport near Weeze. Semanda once the company organizes a bus to the store a half hour away. Dozen rooms share a bathroom and kitchen.

In the rooms, many people complain about mold, overcrowding, dirty facilities with broken equipment. The bungalows, as Uddel, are not adapted to live in the winter. It is clear that the agency and his friends make a lot of this, making them overpay for conditions inadequate. There have been incidents where workers have complained about the conditions were lying in the middle of the noce without notice, to teach a lesson to others: be quiet. Some people who were thrown out of the hotel so were dismissed without notice and without payment. The people who complain about the accommodation is disturbed and was not renewed contracts.

The money earned with the accommodation of workers is a lot. In Woerden 4-5 people living together, each paid 280 euros per month, which totals more than 1000 euros. Aquila local Imobiliaria whole houses for this price. The locals offer stories for 300 euros, but not OTTO like this because they want to be ready and prepared to be picked up at the hotel. If you call at your door at 6 am and will report a job, you should be ready in 15 minutes. There was one case where someone moved the hosting company and they would not pick you up or find any jobs.

Otto charges the same price for the property, regardless of conditions. This leads to a pathological condition in which some do favors for better accommodation.


Below is a letter written by two workers Polish describing the problems and penalties had put them arbitrarily.

Our names are P and A. Quiseramos present the story of what happened to us in Holland. When we came to this country, we find an attractive job offer with the ETT OTTO. In late October, we went to an interview in the office in The Hague.

signed a contract of 3 months. The day before our departure they have changed the place where we should live, we had certain conditions in our contracts. The contract we guarantee accommodation for 280 euros per person in a double room. The reality was different. We put in a room with four people but did not pay the same.

From the beginning we tried to change both the accommodation as the room it was like we were promised. Our manager said it was impossible to move. We sent the manager of the hotel but did not get anything.

The vast overpopulation of hotel workers (120 people) created a stressful situation among the residents. This was the result of too few bathrooms, toilets and other facilities that the hotel should have provided.

Our problems, as other workers resident, started from:

- A delay in payment. And a week before the holidays our weekly payments were reduced. Our monthly payment was also too low, disagreed with the average hours. We received 190 euro for two weeks and one month only 270 euros.

- Residents at the hotel in addition to paying 280 euro for accommodation, they had to pay for cleaning a couple of people working and living in the designated hotel manager.

- People were fined yellow or red cards and penalties were deducted from our salary without our knowledge or any research. For example, we were fined for allegedly damaging a smoke detector was not working when we arrived. They deducted the salary of 400 euros every 4 people living in the room.

- If wouldst a day off of work were fined 13 euro. If you arrived 5 minutes later by the transport company were fined 15 euros, even if there were regular buses that were in the workplace.

- If security was called to your room, 80 euros deducted. Even people who were sleeping could be fined. One day there was a conflict between A. and one of the people in the room who struck him in the head. A. had to go to hospital. He did not have the opportunity to explain the incident and when he left the hospital, security asked him to his office. Instead of making an investigation or call the police, security fined them all. Then it turned out that these two guys had a criminal record. When we signed the contract, our history checked criminal, but they do not. A week later, security knocked one of them. A. denied health insurance and payment (6 working days) during the 3-month contract. The manager said that given the situation, could extend his contract for this amount of time.

- P. was fired the day before the end of the contract and told him why not extend that was what he told co-workers about the problems with the temporary employment business.

As a result, we feel we've been treated unfairly therefore we would like to warn and inform future workers and others who have been harmed by OTTO.

Polish worker 'ZSP For more about OTTO publish more information on what you can do if your rights are violated web site in Polish. You can contact us at In Holland get in contact with or

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hiatal Hernia Pain Antispasmodic

Press in solidarity with the 300 immigrants on hunger strike for their rights in Greece

Since the CNT we express our solidarity and support to the claims of immigrants on hunger strike in Greece. As usual when it reaches one of the cyclical crises capital, states seek to divert attention and blame to the weakest and most defenseless, increasing the nationalist and racist discourse that aims to make the foreigner to blame for all the evils that have taken place under the sun. A curtain of smoke that seeks not to show that the capital and the states are the only ones responsible for our current situation.

migratory movements throughout history have been produced for the same reasons: hunger and wars. Hunger has made entire populations to migrate from one area to another. Today, hunger and war is an indispensable principle for capitalism to work. Wars to control the exploitation of raw materials (The war in Congo more than 5.5 million death toll from the control coltan mines) and starvation as a result of this plunder (all can not be rich). This situation of poverty and hunger drives people to abandon their land and houses to survive where wealth is concentrated, a basic principle of survival. Only a third of immigrants who start the journey from black Africa to Europe reach its goal, the rest die on the road, a real silent genocide. Once you have managed to reach the border are the immigration laws, which prevent them from entering (non, diamonds, oil, coltan, players, captains, etc. If.) Yes eventually manage to cross the border are excluded, stigmatized, criminalized and outlawed by the immigration laws, especially labor are exploited mind the lack of any law. This cheap labor to produce high profit business, and is recognized by the states if they refuse to legalize it to continue without rights and to remain easily operated.

European immigration laws (institutional racism and xenophobia) are becoming increasingly harsh, border militarization, building walls and fences, as in Ceuta and Melilla, police pressure in cities having a face of "immigrant", deportations mass killings at the border, and so on not seeking to criminalize poverty but that Europe is creating and which it uses to increase labor exploitation and plundering poorer countries.

From the CNT we have never recognized any boundaries or law and not make a distinction between place of origin among workers. Our struggle is class struggle and our enemy the state and capital. For all this we will continue fighting against any kind of immigration law and in solidarity with those who do likewise.

Foreign Secretary


Monday, February 14, 2011

Emulateur Dongle Rainbow

Nou sopador per l'Autogestió the daily "Solidaridad Obrera" to Cornell. Video of the manifestations

inform me that propane divendres, 18 febrer a les 21:30 per l'realitzarem a sopar Autogestió the newspaper.

The menu is 10 euros, i tot ben complet, amb Beguda, coffee i dessert!

newspaper's website:


to Barcelona from 27 gener. Concentration

Monday, February 7, 2011

Transfering Pokemon From Pc To Ds

front of the Parlament de Catalunya: "NO TO THE END OF YAMAHA MOTOR SPAIN"

On Wednesday February 9 at 9 morning is called a demonstration for the works council workers backed by Yamaha "NO END IN SPAIN YAMAHA MOTOR" in the Parlament de Catalunya, near Parc de la Ciutadella . By capitalizing on this day as in the Parliament is a Councillor d'Ocupació appearance of Mr. Mena and Industry, that day all opposition political groups (PSC, ERC and ICV) you will make a series of questions about the case of Yamaha and all that is coming out in print and if you really going to accompany the committee Yamaha Japan as promised a few days ago, that the Directorate of Yamaha gear back to the statement that all workers receive Yamaha on January 27, "end of production in Yamaha Motor Spain in a few months and taking her to France (Saint-Quentin). "

We call on all people who can attend, so that SUPPORT us not allow the rights of Labour Lost adquiridos employees fear that a wave of despidos supone (SAMSUNG, SUZUKI, HONDA, etc.) and the latter can be Yamaha, we can not consentirlo!

Sección Sindical de CNT-AIT Sabadell Yamaha.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Soap Or Metallic Taste In Mouth And Pregnancy

Time librarian blog shut

Sure, one could see that from the spring of presentations was made post on the blog silence. Spring is to himself that everything is just sprouting and no one knows what really grow up with an idea. And then I came to the following: Nardowa Library, Department of National Digital Library "Polona" and the activities of the Competence Centre for digitization. Autumn activities undertaken. Project course "Digital Libraries, services and portals - a new source of information in the teacher-librarian" , to carry out its 14-hundred (including 2 away), editing, design adaptation of the above course on e-learning platform, and participation in implementation. Work is still going on, but I've been here this story urwę. Urwę with the impression of sawing trails in caring for their courage, the library and the library and the central ground. And these threads have actually sneak away, hoping to never niezrywalną thread of sympathy with Janek Danusia, Martha and Dorothy, for which I thank them immensely:) Non-stop is also in my work digitizing topic, which was caught in a rabbit SDL spirit which formed me and I hope to carry on;) And will be doing very good place! Since today is the National Digital Archives :-) So see you again in digitalnym, although not biblioblogerskim world! ;-)