CNT, as it has done throughout its hundred-year history, not resigned to the situation and started a battery of events throughout the country against the pension reform. Thus, unity of action with other organizations in localities where possible, or alone where it is not our organization calls for the participation in the struggles and actions to be performed until day 28. Aixi in Unitat d'Accio amb altres organitzacions localitats those on Sigui possible, or alone on non ho followed, Organització nostra CRIDA to the participation in the Lluita i accions is going to realitzada fins at day 28. For the same reason, the CNT had joined the general strike called for January 27 in Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia and the days of struggle in Catalonia. Per aquesta mateixes Rao CNT joining the general strike called for January 27 in Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia and the day of struggle in Catalonia.
Listado in constant updates. list constantly updated.
January 20: January 20 :
- Sabadell: local calls CNT concentration in front of the headquarters of the CCOO and UGT. - Sabadell: local calls CNT concentration front of the CCOO and UGT. 19:00 19:00 (Ramblas 75) (Ramblas 75)
- Santiago de Compostela: concentration against the TGSS. - Santiago de Compostela: Concentration of TGSS Davant. Call for strike 27. Crida the vague of 27.
- Tenerife: CNT, Cobas, CGT, EA Canary FSOC, IC and demonstration unit USO convened under the slogan "Against Unemployment and precariousness. Labour Rights and Dignity." - Tenerife: CNT, Cobas, CGT, EA Canaries FSOC, IC unit i USE convene manifestations, jack the slogan "Against the Precarietat i l'Atur. Treball i Drets dignitates." Exit at the 18:30 out at 18:30 pm from the vicinity of the football field in Las Delicias (Ofra) and cross several districts of Santa Cruz de Tenerife that are in greater padeciendo nefastas measure the consequences of capitalist crises as unemployment, Poverty and exclusion. from around the football field of Earthly Delights (Ofra) and cross several neighborhoods of Santa Cruz who are suffering most the dire consequences of the capitalist crisis as unemployment, poverty and exclusion.
January 21: January 21 :
- Cornellá: Manifestation of San Ildefonso in the OTG Avenida Republica Argentina, 18:30 am - Cornella: Demonstration of the GTO of San Ildefonso at Avenida República Argentina, 18:30 am He calls : social and trade union unitary Assembly Baix Llobregat He calls: Assembly social and trade union unity Baix Llobregat
- Zaragoza concentration in front of the local PSOE headquarters at 138th Street Conde de Aranda . - Zaragoza: concentration at the headquarters of the local PSOE, the Comte d'Aranda 138. 19:00 19:00
22 January: January 22
- Barcelona Manifestation unitary Pza. Sants 17:00 - Barcelona Sants Plaza Demonstration Unit 17:00 Convocan Social Organizations, Policy and the town union. Call social, political and union of the town.
- Ciudad Real: CNT local called demonstrations 11:00 am - Ciudad Real: CNT manifestations 11:00 am local calls Terreras Plaza - Plaza Pilar. Pl Terrero - Pilar Pl.
- Sestao: CNT-Bizkaia announces demonstration (12:30 pm Kasko Plazan). - Sestao: CNT-Bizkaia calls manifestations (12:30 h Kasko Plaza). Call second strike of 27. Crida to endorse the roams of 27.
- Toledo: local calls CNT concentration in the square at 12:00 Zocodover - Toledo: local calls CNT concentration in the Plaça de Zocodover a les 12:00 h.
- Valladolid: demonstrations against the pension reform and for the General Strike. - Valladolid: protest against pension reform and the General Strike. The acto 'll have the place to 19h from the Plaza del Carmen (Delicias). The event will take place at 19pm from the Plaza del Carmen (Delights). Convocan: CGT, CNT and Bloque Obrero. Call: CGT, CNT and Workers Block.
January 25: January 25 :
- Gijón: CNT SUATEA, CSI convocan Manifestation CGT and fading social unity against them. - Gijón: CNT SUATEA, CGT and CSI called unitary demonstration against social cuts. The wetlands at the Exit Plaza 19:30 pm Check out the wetland Plaza at 19:30 pm
- Santiago de Compostela: concentrations Praza Toural do. - Santiago de Compostela: Concentration in Praz Toural do. appeal to the strike of 27. Call for strike 27.
January 26: January 26 :
- Tarrassa: local calls CNT concentration across from City Hall, 18:30 h. - Terrassa: local calls CNT concentration Davant's Hall, 18:30 h.
January 27: 27 gener:
- CNT is added to the general strike in Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia and calls day of fighting in Catalonia . - CNT is added to the general vague Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia Lluita day i calls to Catalunya.
- Barcelona: Demonstration CNT regional Catalano-Balear in University Plaza, 19:00 pm - Barcelona: regional manifestations of the CNT of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands to Plaça Universitat, 19:00
January 29: 29 gener:
- Palma de Mallorca: demonstration unit "against labor reform, pension treforma and against extending the retirement age to 67 years." - Palma de Mallorca: manifestations unity "against labor reform, treforma of them against prolongació i Pensions de l'edat of Retirement 67 years. CNT, CGT, Maulets, Forward and Opposite Solitaire facilities make an appeal to attend to take you between Séscorxador - Plaza de España at 18:00 pm CNT, CGT, Maulets, lonely and Front Forward make a call to attend the course between Séscorxador - Plaza de España at 18:00
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