Friday, January 28, 2011

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CNT supports the general strike called by the USI-AIT

From the Permanent Secretariat of the CNT, we show our solidarity and support to colleagues in the USI-AIT, who have called for strike today, 28 to Italy, a mobilization of all productive sectors of the country against laws and agreements between the unions, government and employers wishing to limit the freedom to strike, negotiation and representation;

- Against all laws, present and past, aimed at reducing the wages of workers and their conditions worsen work;

- Against any attempt to load, only on workers, the consequences of the economic crisis, by delay in freezing of pensions and salaries in relation to inflation;

- For greatest increases in pensions and wages regardless of productivity and income and services guaranteed to all, recovery of money from tax evasion and corporate profits;

- By the end of spending on defense and security logic and warrior, the money saved to cease these unnecessary expenses should be used in the creation of new jobs;

- For an end to all types of temporary employment and contracting of all temporary workers and those paid under permanent contracts with rope;

- To free the residence of its dependence with regard to the employment contract, the cancellation of the legislative package on security and the closure of the CIES (formerly CPTs).

Therefore, as members of the same international solidarity, the AIT *, we make our previous claims of the sister organization and we wish to achieve all its objectives in this day of struggle.

Solidarity worker knows no borders! Viva International

and live the struggle of the USI-AIT!

28 January 2011

Permanent Secretariat of the Committee NGL CNT

CNT Press Release He went out the 27-E statewide

• The CNT forcefully rejected the avalanche of government welfare cuts and joined the General Strike in those communities where he had summoned.

• The organization mobilized its unions in all parts of the country, making clear his criticism and protest against what he considers one of the largest social decline in recent history.

Both during the day yesterday January 27, as in previous days, the National Labour Confederation went out in multiple locations in order to see its rejection sharper than the social cuts in recent times has been applying the PSOE government.

Thus, in those Autonomous Communities where he had called General Strike (Galicia, Catalonia, Euskadi and Navarra), the CNT supported such movements actively participating in picket lines during the morning and called several demonstrations in the afternoon: in the case Galicia, the organization participated in the demonstration unit of Compostela, which amounted to more than 4000 people. Also did the same in La Coruna, where CIGA and CNT trade unions had also called for a demonstration. Finally, in Ferrol and Vigo was CNT activity also because of the strike, both with regard to picketing and demonstrations.

In Euskadi and Navarre, where the CNT had joined the general strike called by most Basque association was broad and strong performance of our organization's informational picketing which were distributed by the different Basque towns. In the area of \u200b\u200bBiscay were concentrated mainly in the industrial belt of Durango. Bilbao brought together many of the efforts of unions in the area, passing through several landmark points along the unions LAB and ELA. CNT also Guipúzcoa, together with that of Navarra have come together for events and pickets in their area, and like that CNT-Vitoria / Gasteiz, unit mass demonstrations held in various provincial capitals.

In the case of Catalonia, where he had called a general strike which joined this organization, the incidence rose by picketing in the morning and the call for a solo demonstration in the afternoon, that call was made Catalan CNT as a whole and which ran through the streets of Barcelona, \u200b\u200breaching thousands of people join.

addition, the CNT took to the streets in other cities, because despite the strike call was not extended to the whole country, the trade union itself understood that mobilization should occur equally everywhere because of the severity of the cuts are implemented. Thus, in Madrid, Valladolid, Malaga, Cordoba, Valencia, Logroño, Tenerife Segovia or participated in demonstrations organized by those organizations that agree in rejecting the government's measures, either alone convened.

also in previous days, in other locations such as Teruel, Gijón, Zaragoza, Toledo and Ciudad Real, the CNT had already made public acts of protest against what was considered an antisocial attitude clearly and handed over to business interests by the PSOE and CCOO and UGT trade unions, which eventually reached yesterday in a preliminary agreement with the Government

on pensions, strongly criticized by the CNT, for those who can not be any delay in raising the retirement age or increasing the minimum years of contributions, to bring Social Security more than thirty years in a row in surplus, a situation that continues to this day.

Finally, since the CNT is also stressed that the timing of demonstrations designed by the union continues to include events for the next day from now until February, although the intention of the plant is to continue beyond that date so that it is foreseeable Todavía no later than vayan surgiendo Convocatorias, especially after the preliminary agreement between the Government alcanzado 27 yesterday, UGT and CCOO.

28 January 2011

Secretaría de Prensa y Comunicación.


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