Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chayti Scandle Vedios

business cycle, crisi I generated. CSO La Tremenda C. / Salvador 24-26, Manresa.

From CSO Fusion you want to invite Series on Gender, Crisis and economy to be held in February and March in Manresa (Barcelona).

On Saturday February 5 at 18:00 pm in the Series on Gender, crisis and economy , will be held the conference "Employment structure and feminist economics" , by Carmen Diaz , economist and member of the research team on Gender and cooperative work within the Masters in Women, Gender and Citizenship.

The event will take place at the CSO Fusion (C / Salvador 24-26. Manresa).

Organized Column Clitoriana.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Is Alprazolam 1 Mg. Strong

CNT-AIT Barcelona will bring together about 3,000 demonstrators in their protest yesterday

 The national day of struggle against Pension Reform had its beginning marked by the agreement between 
CCOO, UGT, Government and Employers. However, the
demonstrations and actions yesterday showed significant rejection of society
this new aggression on the dignity of the working class.

yesterday in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe day of battle had a remarkable social impact.
Throughout the day members of all unions that supported the day of struggle
(CNT-AIT, CGT, IAC, Cobas, COS, etc.) were
Barcelona activism converged with the various social movements, coordinated by
Assembly in Barcelona in large part in many protests
to reform public pensions. Moreover

Central anarcho-syndicalist CNT-AIT in Catalonia, called a
demonstration alone at 19h in University Square, which was seconded by
about 3,000 protesters. It crossed the center of the city to reach
Post, where he finished the event with a rally denouncing the reform
employment, pensions and encouraging action organized union, internationalist and revolutionary daily
year ..

During the tour they made several symbolic actions of protest, among other
was hung a huge banner on the facade of the Employers, the employers
Catalan, which could be read "against cuts and
reforms, anarcho-syndicalism. " With shares

like this, the protesters wanted to make visible
makers of this new "social catastrophe" that has led the reform of the Public Pension
, which has been agreed between the Government of Spain, and the CEOE employers
unions CCOO and UGT.

Finally, CNT is a reminder that the fight against brutal
cutback on social and labor rights that the working class is suffering has not ceased. And
encourages the general public not to resign themselves and endorse all
protests since the different social movements and trade unions will go on calling
the coming weeks, as it plans to continue the central

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CNT supports the general strike called by the USI-AIT

From the Permanent Secretariat of the CNT, we show our solidarity and support to colleagues in the USI-AIT, who have called for strike today, 28 to Italy, a mobilization of all productive sectors of the country against laws and agreements between the unions, government and employers wishing to limit the freedom to strike, negotiation and representation;

- Against all laws, present and past, aimed at reducing the wages of workers and their conditions worsen work;

- Against any attempt to load, only on workers, the consequences of the economic crisis, by delay in freezing of pensions and salaries in relation to inflation;

- For greatest increases in pensions and wages regardless of productivity and income and services guaranteed to all, recovery of money from tax evasion and corporate profits;

- By the end of spending on defense and security logic and warrior, the money saved to cease these unnecessary expenses should be used in the creation of new jobs;

- For an end to all types of temporary employment and contracting of all temporary workers and those paid under permanent contracts with rope;

- To free the residence of its dependence with regard to the employment contract, the cancellation of the legislative package on security and the closure of the CIES (formerly CPTs).

Therefore, as members of the same international solidarity, the AIT *, we make our previous claims of the sister organization and we wish to achieve all its objectives in this day of struggle.

Solidarity worker knows no borders! Viva International

and live the struggle of the USI-AIT!

28 January 2011

Permanent Secretariat of the Committee NGL CNT

CNT Press Release He went out the 27-E statewide

• The CNT forcefully rejected the avalanche of government welfare cuts and joined the General Strike in those communities where he had summoned.

• The organization mobilized its unions in all parts of the country, making clear his criticism and protest against what he considers one of the largest social decline in recent history.

Both during the day yesterday January 27, as in previous days, the National Labour Confederation went out in multiple locations in order to see its rejection sharper than the social cuts in recent times has been applying the PSOE government.

Thus, in those Autonomous Communities where he had called General Strike (Galicia, Catalonia, Euskadi and Navarra), the CNT supported such movements actively participating in picket lines during the morning and called several demonstrations in the afternoon: in the case Galicia, the organization participated in the demonstration unit of Compostela, which amounted to more than 4000 people. Also did the same in La Coruna, where CIGA and CNT trade unions had also called for a demonstration. Finally, in Ferrol and Vigo was CNT activity also because of the strike, both with regard to picketing and demonstrations.

In Euskadi and Navarre, where the CNT had joined the general strike called by most Basque association was broad and strong performance of our organization's informational picketing which were distributed by the different Basque towns. In the area of \u200b\u200bBiscay were concentrated mainly in the industrial belt of Durango. Bilbao brought together many of the efforts of unions in the area, passing through several landmark points along the unions LAB and ELA. CNT also Guipúzcoa, together with that of Navarra have come together for events and pickets in their area, and like that CNT-Vitoria / Gasteiz, unit mass demonstrations held in various provincial capitals.

In the case of Catalonia, where he had called a general strike which joined this organization, the incidence rose by picketing in the morning and the call for a solo demonstration in the afternoon, that call was made Catalan CNT as a whole and which ran through the streets of Barcelona, \u200b\u200breaching thousands of people join.

addition, the CNT took to the streets in other cities, because despite the strike call was not extended to the whole country, the trade union itself understood that mobilization should occur equally everywhere because of the severity of the cuts are implemented. Thus, in Madrid, Valladolid, Malaga, Cordoba, Valencia, Logroño, Tenerife Segovia or participated in demonstrations organized by those organizations that agree in rejecting the government's measures, either alone convened.

also in previous days, in other locations such as Teruel, Gijón, Zaragoza, Toledo and Ciudad Real, the CNT had already made public acts of protest against what was considered an antisocial attitude clearly and handed over to business interests by the PSOE and CCOO and UGT trade unions, which eventually reached yesterday in a preliminary agreement with the Government

on pensions, strongly criticized by the CNT, for those who can not be any delay in raising the retirement age or increasing the minimum years of contributions, to bring Social Security more than thirty years in a row in surplus, a situation that continues to this day.

Finally, since the CNT is also stressed that the timing of demonstrations designed by the union continues to include events for the next day from now until February, although the intention of the plant is to continue beyond that date so that it is foreseeable Todavía no later than vayan surgiendo Convocatorias, especially after the preliminary agreement between the Government alcanzado 27 yesterday, UGT and CCOO.

28 January 2011

Secretaría de Prensa y Comunicación.

Monday, January 24, 2011


against Italy in reducing pensions. Demonstration on January 27 in Barcelona.

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[Press Release] CNT promotes demonstrations throughout the country against the impending pension reform

• The campaign aims to lay the foundations of broader movements that stand up to attacks on workers and to promote a general strike in the medium term.

The organization adds to the general strike called for January 27 in Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia and Catalonia convened a day of action. The last

labor reform, together with the pension plans that carry the government of collusion with the union official, who quickly changed the discourse of confrontation by submission in exchange for crumbs, "pose the greatest attack on rights the working class in 30 years.

Now we load the pension system, perhaps because Spain is a country where the bank makes less business with private pension plans, and following the prevailing political crisis there now must take advantage Gold is the excuse to make public money to be passed as private. Maybe because on account of the crisis, which the States have become carte blanche, we are witnessing the liquidation of the few rights and social security workers who had, in what is one of the worst economic liberalization processes seen here and in the rest of Europe.

CNT, as it has done throughout its hundred-year history, not resigned to the current situation, made possible largely by a system based on subsidies and union released and unable to cope with the excesses of capital- and has begun a battery of events throughout the state seeking, ultimately, gradually converge towards a real general strike that reverts the current correlation of forces.

Thus, unity of action with other organizations in those localities where possible, or alone where it is, our organization call for participation in the struggles and actions were out until 28. For this reason, it plunges to the CNT general strike called by 27 January in Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia and the day of struggle in Catalonia.

Finally, understand that it is not just that we do not touch the retirement age, already quite high, even if we increase the years of contributions but the working class must, in parallel, to establish a radical critique the capitalist system that is placing the foot of the sacrosanct market welcome government's turn. Employees must be sitting the basis for a profound change in the system for a more just and equal, a system for people and not money. Showing

interim demonstrations:

More false debate on pensions: crises-the-system-d ...

Press Secretary and Communications

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Ever Happened To Heather Hamon

List of demonstrations against pension reform and cuts in social

CNT, as it has done throughout its hundred-year history, not resigned to the situation and started a battery of events throughout the country against the pension reform. Thus, unity of action with other organizations in localities where possible, or alone where it is not our organization calls for the participation in the struggles and actions to be performed until day 28. Aixi in Unitat d'Accio amb altres organitzacions localitats those on Sigui possible, or alone on non ho followed, Organització nostra CRIDA to the participation in the Lluita i accions is going to realitzada fins at day 28. For the same reason, the CNT had joined the general strike called for January 27 in Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia and the days of struggle in Catalonia. Per aquesta mateixes Rao CNT joining the general strike called for January 27 in Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia and the day of struggle in Catalonia.

Listado in constant updates. list constantly updated.

January 20: January 20 :

- Sabadell: local calls CNT concentration in front of the headquarters of the CCOO and UGT. - Sabadell: local calls CNT concentration front of the CCOO and UGT. 19:00 19:00 (Ramblas 75) (Ramblas 75)

- Santiago de Compostela: concentration against the TGSS. - Santiago de Compostela: Concentration of TGSS Davant. Call for strike 27. Crida the vague of 27.

- Tenerife: CNT, Cobas, CGT, EA Canary FSOC, IC and demonstration unit USO convened under the slogan "Against Unemployment and precariousness. Labour Rights and Dignity." - Tenerife: CNT, Cobas, CGT, EA Canaries FSOC, IC unit i USE convene manifestations, jack the slogan "Against the Precarietat i l'Atur. Treball i Drets dignitates." Exit at the 18:30 out at 18:30 pm from the vicinity of the football field in Las Delicias (Ofra) and cross several districts of Santa Cruz de Tenerife that are in greater padeciendo nefastas measure the consequences of capitalist crises as unemployment, Poverty and exclusion. from around the football field of Earthly Delights (Ofra) and cross several neighborhoods of Santa Cruz who are suffering most the dire consequences of the capitalist crisis as unemployment, poverty and exclusion.

January 21: January 21 :

- Cornellá: Manifestation of San Ildefonso in the OTG Avenida Republica Argentina, 18:30 am - Cornella: Demonstration of the GTO of San Ildefonso at Avenida República Argentina, 18:30 am He calls : social and trade union unitary Assembly Baix Llobregat He calls: Assembly social and trade union unity Baix Llobregat

- Zaragoza concentration in front of the local PSOE headquarters at 138th Street Conde de Aranda . - Zaragoza: concentration at the headquarters of the local PSOE, the Comte d'Aranda 138. 19:00 19:00

22 January: January 22

- Barcelona Manifestation unitary Pza. Sants 17:00 - Barcelona Sants Plaza Demonstration Unit 17:00 Convocan Social Organizations, Policy and the town union. Call social, political and union of the town.

- Ciudad Real: CNT local called demonstrations 11:00 am - Ciudad Real: CNT manifestations 11:00 am local calls Terreras Plaza - Plaza Pilar. Pl Terrero - Pilar Pl.

- Sestao: CNT-Bizkaia announces demonstration (12:30 pm Kasko Plazan). - Sestao: CNT-Bizkaia calls manifestations (12:30 h Kasko Plaza). Call second strike of 27. Crida to endorse the roams of 27.

- Toledo: local calls CNT concentration in the square at 12:00 Zocodover - Toledo: local calls CNT concentration in the Plaça de Zocodover a les 12:00 h.

- Valladolid: demonstrations against the pension reform and for the General Strike. - Valladolid: protest against pension reform and the General Strike. The acto 'll have the place to 19h from the Plaza del Carmen (Delicias). The event will take place at 19pm from the Plaza del Carmen (Delights). Convocan: CGT, CNT and Bloque Obrero. Call: CGT, CNT and Workers Block.

January 25: January 25 :

- Gijón: CNT SUATEA, CSI convocan Manifestation CGT and fading social unity against them. - Gijón: CNT SUATEA, CGT and CSI called unitary demonstration against social cuts. The wetlands at the Exit Plaza 19:30 pm Check out the wetland Plaza at 19:30 pm

- Santiago de Compostela: concentrations Praza Toural do. - Santiago de Compostela: Concentration in Praz Toural do. appeal to the strike of 27. Call for strike 27.

January 26: January 26 :

- Tarrassa: local calls CNT concentration across from City Hall, 18:30 h. - Terrassa: local calls CNT concentration Davant's Hall, 18:30 h.

January 27: 27 gener:

- CNT is added to the general strike in Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia and calls day of fighting in Catalonia . - CNT is added to the general vague Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia Lluita day i calls to Catalunya.

- Barcelona: Demonstration CNT regional Catalano-Balear in University Plaza, 19:00 pm - Barcelona: regional manifestations of the CNT of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands to Plaça Universitat, 19:00

January 29: 29 gener:

- Palma de Mallorca: demonstration unit "against labor reform, pension treforma and against extending the retirement age to 67 years." - Palma de Mallorca: manifestations unity "against labor reform, treforma of them against prolongació i Pensions de l'edat of Retirement 67 years. CNT, CGT, Maulets, Forward and Opposite Solitaire facilities make an appeal to attend to take you between Séscorxador - Plaza de España at 18:00 pm CNT, CGT, Maulets, lonely and Front Forward make a call to attend the course between Séscorxador - Plaza de España at 18:00

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Message To Congratulate

you Manresa City Council / clothes we

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January 27, general strike!

In recent times are witnessing a debate on the need to reform the system pension using a language which is deliberately alarmist (drastic decreases of surplus imbalance in Social Security accounts, etc.), a something that we have been seeing over the year 2010, first referred to the balance of 2009 and then at the end of November, also in 2010. What nobody has explained however, is that in 1999 there was no fund in which to store and administer the Social Security surplus, which was sold as, and yet the political class and business seeds it seemed the pension system. It also follows

cutting where you normally among the workers, employed or unemployed, and generally among the most disadvantaged. Proof of this is that while, have approved a series of new tax benefits for companies, which for 2011 will will cost the public coffers 230 million euros has been agreed to remove the aid of 426 euros unemployed without benefits or subsidies, has approved an increase in income tax and other VAT imposed that affect both very directly to all employees ... All this without forgetting the more aggressive Education Reform for workers throughout the recent history of this country, which seriously harms the collective bargaining, dismissals made cheaper and encourages part-time work with This implies that wage instability.

And now I also loaded the pension system, perhaps because Spain is a country where the bank makes less business with private pension plans, and following the prevailing political crisis is now, should take advantage of this golden excuse to make that public money be spent in private as. Maybe because on account of the crisis, which the States have become carte blanche, we are witnessing the liquidation of the few rights and social security workers who had, in what is one of the worst economic liberalization processes viewed here and in the rest of Europe.

To that end we are told that the current pension system is unsustainable. Should therefore clarify some aspects:

1. During the last three decades the Social Security coffers have never stopped being in surplus. Said otherwise, during the last thirty years the amount reported in total from contributions that pay for Social Security has been made over the total expenditure on pensions, allowances and benefits of all kinds. In 2010 the surplus was of 11,100 million. The Government created in 2000 the Reserve Fund of Social Security, which has been "saving" part of this surplus. In the year of its inception the fund had 604 million euros in 2009 reached the 60,022 million.

According to latest annual report (2009) Directorate General Insurance and Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance, the weight of English Pension Funds on the economy stood at 8.1% of GDP, one of the lowest rates of among the states included in the sample, which includes mostly rich countries. In fact, the weighted average of all fees resulting from sampling gives a 67.1% of GDP compared to 8.1 in Spain.

2. We should remember that the labor reform (35/2010 of 17 September) will increase the intermittency of contributions to the pension, the increase in temporary employment and discontinuous trajectories (temporary employment - Unemployment - permanent employment - ERO - unemployment - temporary employment).

also the tendency of the timing will be an "age effect" (the storms are coming at a young age tend to have permanent contracts, statistically speaking) to be a "generation effect" extending the temporary at any age economic sector and the result of de-regulation in the labor market, especially the recent ones. What will cause the resulting pension upon retirement is misery.

3. Both increase the retirement age and increasing years to calculate the pension rights are a clear attack made workers throughout their struggles: the first option would be two years less pension working two years (or what is the same: a loss of four years), the second cause included many sections of the working paths reducing the board last staple.

4. With the reform therefore seek two objectives: a) cut the "deferred wage", ie the wage paid by contributions and is returned to retirement and b) forcing the state to promote the privatization of the same (regardless that stimulates other private roads). To the extent that the working class see that public pension that is very low, will consider taking private pension plans. For this slow track in which financial capital can sink your teeth in a capital that was too important "off market" in the hands of the Social Security and the State. Moreover, let us not forget that private pensions are still subject to significant tax deductions for many years, and these deductions are never touched.

Our alternatives:

If you come to have financial problems, may be financed with taxes as well as in other countries: taxes on capital ; remove maximum contribution to high incomes (making a fairer redistribution of income) and abolish deductions for private pension systems . promote the incorporation of women into the labor market (eg better maternity leave / paternity), a rate similar to other European countries, the number of cotitzadors increase.

Besides the short-medium term measures that we have mentioned, the working class must, in parallel, to establish a radical critique of the capitalist system that is placing the foot of the sacrosanct purchased with the approval of the government shift. The workers We follow the path of struggle and mobilization outlined the 29-S, which not a few places and sectors exceeded the official unions lukewarm in their mobilizations, in short, to setting the foundations for a profound change of system for another more just and equal, a system for people and not money.

We respond to these attacks, so on 27 January, General Strike! I struggle, day by day. While the trade unions CCOO and UGT confront the game make him the government, the CNT-AIT is positioned firmly against the pension reform and labor reform and other cuts and so always pay crisis of rich.

CNT-AIT Catalonia and the Balearic Islands

What rights do I have a strike?
We gathered this text from other unions, which may be useful for more than one.

The minimum services are legal?
The only minimum legal services are those published in the Official Gazette or the regional government concerned. This newsletter comes out explicitly mentioned
company name and department must make a minimum service. The patron, a letter, you must mention the exact point of the BOE to justify the minimum service.
The establishment of minimum services outside the government indicated it considered a serious attack on right to strike and is punishable.

My boss asks me if I strike. I should I respond?
NO. The employee notified his company that does not strike when going to work.
This decision can be taken at the last minute and had no effect if, before said otherwise.

I pressed my head so you do not strike. What do I do?
the right to strike is regarded as a fundamental right of citizens and, as such, especially protected
by the Constitution. If a boss or employer coerces an employee to not do what
Strike is committing a very serious crime. He has to stop and report. Please contact
Association Section of your company that is trusted more.

this day I have to guard. I do it?
NO. In a strike, legally, not performed any work, whether usual or occasional intervention by a guard. In fact, one of the mechanisms of a strike is that the absence of our work has implications for their businesses. We are not dispensable for Employers? Do not treat us like dirt and fired at the first opportunity? To prove how unnecessary are the "resources". If you are mobile or portable guard gives him the phone company or just off the 24-hour strike.

not work the hours I will have recovered?
at all. What can legally deduct the pattern is the days of strike pay.

and strike, will it help?
everything we have achieved as workers we are never given. Since the nineteenth century slavery any improvement has been through boot mobilizations and struggles of workers in different countries. All
this time we also stopped numerous attacks through our mobilization. Sometimes it is not enough and there is no guarantee of victory assured that the opponent is very powerful, but we have something very clear: If we fight, we grind today and tomorrow sinister.
History is not just a book, is the evidence that struggling recover the dignity and security while doing nothing buy submission, fear and exploitation wild.