"Scenes from the life of ..." - Library humor
new academic year is coming in which it will be new challenges, new directions, and thus new studeci. Before they occur - Time to summarize the time spent with current students. Here's another bunch of humor ;-)
Scene 1
Student: I would like to "Administrative Law" and "administrative proceedings."
Me: Whose?
Student: My.
Scene 2
(a student at a computer a long time trying to go to the library catalog)
Student: In general, went on a Library 2.0, so I wanted to be ahead!
Scene 3
Student: I wanted something Community law.
Me: And what exactly?
Student: And is not so in general? Please give some one the most concrete.
(after a while I bring a student book)
Student: But this is a European ... and this is also such a Community?
4th Stage
(Malin supports a student who wanted something a management company)
Malin: Please, sir, and you had Skowronek?
Student: No, I never had. Ie. I had, but I gave.
Scene 5
(considering the use the online catalog)
Student: It's still maybe I'll put something here.
Me: Yes, we would write something.
6th Stage
Student: Hello, can I use the bathroom?
7th Stage
(student to hire, which would probably guide to civil law)
Student: Good morning, whether it is Zbigniew Radwanski?
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