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Celestial Tarot Osho Zen Tarot

embodying the principles of Zen to the archetypes of the Tarot, through sublime images created by:
Ma Deva Padma (1995).

Each archetype is made in an extraordinary way, adapting to Zen

The letters are very meaningful and full of beauty. It's a cover, in particular, transports me every time I look.

About this Letters:

"The tarot has been around for thousands of years, from ancient Egypt or perhaps even earlier.
The first known use of tarot dates back to medieval times. In those turbulent times, tarot images were used as codes to transmit the teachings of the medieval schools of ministry. Over time, the tarot has been used in many ways ... as a tool to predict the future, as a fun game games, as a how to find hidden information about different situations, etc.. "
"Some say the number of cards is based on the number of steps taken by the child Siddhartha, who later became Buddha, at the time of birth. Gave seven steps forward and seven steps backward in the direction of each of the four directions, legend, and this became the model for "smaller letters" tarot ".

"The 22 Major Arcana cards, give a complete description of man's spiritual journey. From the first step guilty to El Loco, the culmination of the day represented by the letter Wholeness in the Major Arcana are archetypal images that connect us all as human beings. They describe for us a path of self discovery that is absolutely unique to each individual, while the deeper truths to be discovered are the same, regardless of race, gender, class or religious origin.
In the game of traditional tarot, travel on perceived self-discovery in a spiral, hence the letter fullness leads to a new level on the road, a new beginning, with the coming again of the Loco.

In this game, however, has added the letter from the Master. This letter allows us to move beyond the spiral and take a leap off the wheel of death and rebirth. The teacher's letter symbolizes the supreme importance of the day itself, a transcendence made possible only through the dissolution of the individual ego, and separately in the lighting. "
" Definitely, the Osho Zen Tarot is not a traditional tarot in the sense that you play with the predictions. It is rather a transcendental game of Zen which reflects the time, undoubtedly presenting what is here now, without trial or comparison. This game is a wake up call to tune in to sensitivity, intuition, receptivity, courage and individuality. This focus on the state of alert is one of many innovations over the old systems and concepts on the tarot that will soon become obvious to experienced readers, as starting to work with the Osho Zen tarot.


"These twenty-two cards have Roman numerals, from zero to twenty-one in this game, and represent the archetypal core issues spiritual human journey. The letter from the Master, symbolizing transcendence, has no number.
When a Major Arcana card appears reading, has a special meaning, above and beyond the minor arcana cards. Informs us that in the present circumstances, we have the opportunity to examine one of the central issues of our own individual journey. It will be particularly useful to look at other letters about this theme, for example: What is about the fact that you were working too hard, (letter "fatigue") with my need for self expression, (letter "creativity")? How am I hindering my progress on the journey to creativity to put all my energy to keep the "machine running"?
If no major arcana cards in the reading, probably the current situation is a transitory aspect of the wider game of your life. This does not mean unimportant, or that it is absurd to be affected by them strongly, but the same lack of arcana can confirm "This too shall pass" and maybe later you'll wonder why all this mess was armed.
Finally, if the major arcana cards in the reading, this may indicate that a major change in the setting and characters of the game is taking place. Sometimes, in fact, where the abundance of the major arcana cards is so overwhelming, that maybe you would like to choose just one, one that hits you with the clearest message, as the centerpiece of a new reading helps you understand what we're facing now. "

Minor Arcana

" These fifty-six cards are divided into four groups representing the four elements, each group marked with a particular color, coded to distinguish diamond and the predominant color of the whole:

group Letters "water" with a diamond Blue, Group "fire" a red diamond, the "clouds" have a gray diamond and rainbow a rainbow-colored diamond.
As in a regular game of cards, these groups each containing tarot "cards of the court", which here has taken the importance of its aristocratic and feudal titles have been given names that represent just different opportunities to win mastery over the four elements that already have.

The group of "fire" corresponds to the traditional tarot wands represents the field of action and response, the energy that moves us toward situations and not leave them again and again, when we follow our feelings of "anger "Instead of heeding our minds or our emotions.

The group of "water" has replaced the traditional drinks and represents the emotional side of life. Energy tends to be more feminine and receptive to the "fire" which is more masculine and directional.
the "clouds" have been chosen to replace the swords that are Traditionally, the air group, which represents the mind. This is because the nature of the unenlightened mind is just like a cloud, by the way that blocks the light and darken the landscape around us from seeing things as they really are.

However, there is another aspect relating to the clouds that should not be underestimated: they come and go, so they should not be taken too seriously!
Finally, the group "Rainbow" in this game replaces the traditional group or gold discs, representing the earth element. This is traditionally the element that represents the practical, material side of life. But, keeping Zen attitude that even the most humble activities, more earthly contain an opportunity to celebrate the sacred, we have chosen the rainbow for this group.

By using the rainbow, which unites earth with heaven, matter and spirit, we remember that there really is no separation between high and low. Indeed it is a continuum of total energy. Heaven is not a remote location high in the sky, but a reality to be discovered here on earth.
So this is a journey of discovery and a path to ultimate transcendence. Lightly and playfully move the peaks towards the valleys and back again to the heights savoring every step of the way. Learn from your mistakes and you can not go wrong.
Obviously, you can ask the tarot what you want, even when it's really not just a vehicle to expose what you know. Any card that serves as a response to a topic is a direct reflection of what you are sometimes unable or unwilling to acknowledge at this time, yet it is only through recognition (without judging it as right or wrong) from a detached perspective , you can begin to fully experience your heights and depths, all the colors of our being in the form of the rainbow. "

"As you view the mirror of the tarot, shuffle the cards well, imagining them as a receptacle in which you are putting your energy. When you're ready, make a range placing them face down and use your left hand, the receptive, to choose letters that respond to your current concern. You be in the moment as you turn the letters, letting your inner answers clarify your concerns outside.
As you experiment, images of Tarot Osho Zen will be alive. Their impact is undeniable, as we speak in language that acknowledges our deepest self. They awaken understanding, they bring clarity. "

Video Presentation of the 78 Letters:

Osho Zen Tarot
by betdelmar

Message letter in pdf.


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