About DRM once again ...
... but this time with a different barrel. Several readers wytknęło I supposed fickleness views. As it finally may be that companies can push ordinary people oppressed music with DRM, while the client station is about care? Why, it is in my head does not fit (at least some)!
Well, to answer this question, we must understand the mechanisms of motivation and their careers. They are very closely linked and are the cause of all the situations, events and divisions. Not only at work but in every life situation.
is not the time of course, settling on the theoretical bases of these mechanisms - there is no point in such detail as to bore you, Dear Reader. Instead, let's talk about practice.
saying is that the work does not get it, who knows how to work, but who knows how to get a job. Many people attempt to deny its truth, but it is unfortunately (for them) is true. Moreover, it concerns not only the work of getting one, but also promotions. His career is doing because the only one who wants to do. And I'm not thinking of the conscious desire - that, although important, is totally inadequate. Needed to build a career is called. psychological readiness *.
But back to topic, or to the DRM and Railway Station. How is that to some people expect something different than the others? It's simple.
Well, the "pressing" of the DRM music to customers, or anything else, is the domain of people who make a career. They are successful people, pursuing a professional. For such people counts above all creative thinking, and possible deficiencies in the culture, you can swallow. The development of such people should be encouraged in every way by offering both training and suitable entertainment - here are an example of football, or cinema screenings at work, the company's projector.
Customer Service, or any other work of a reproducible and definable nature, is the domain of people who have done career and will not do. Again, I emphasize: this is not intelligence identifies their career opportunities, but simply a mental readiness. The development of such people is not important from the perspective of the employer, it is important to the culture of personal loyalty and meticulousness in carrying out orders and instructions.
From a customer standpoint, the situation is only slightly different - his perspective is different from the perspective of the employer just the fact that he is in contact only with the latter group of employees, while the first group is working quietly in the privacy office.
Do you understand, Dear Reader, why I was so outrageous treatment of the customer at the station, while I support DRM?
* - The previous system was a saying: "no baccalaureate, but the sincere desire, will make you officer." Here, after all, the same willingness is not enough, at least secondary education is equally important that the candidate has gained so. refinement, but the password is surprisingly up to date.
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