Saturday, February 24, 2007

Professional Bike Cakes


Frankly, I never intended to write on this blog about ecology. But somehow it came out, I do not want, but I have to. I have to, since been lost yet, Contrary to what some people think about me, the spirit of patriotism.

valley, if anyone still has not heard about it, this is a kind of wild haszczy in which they live some rare insects and plants. Generally, the same abominations that could be dangerous to today's flora and fauna, and vice versa.

But what is it that a loud dispute? Well clash the two sides. One of the residents of the nearby Augustow (or something like that), others are pseudo-environmentalists. Residents are demanding the construction of the bypass, which will discharge the truck traffic, which in turn cause them a lot of accidents. That's understandable - it is the ring road, it killed fewer people.

pseudo-environmentalists and do what they do best, which is blocking the entire investment in the name of protecting the insects. Of course, they propose an alternative solution, namely lead a bypass around the Rospuda Valley. Just take a look at this solution from the perspective of the business. Is it even possible?

Of course, it is not. If you have not you, Dear Reader matter with project costs of this type of investment, find out that it already loaded into several million. In the same project. And it is not is nothing unusual - after all, people are working at a level which should be well rewarded, as opposed to the same contractors who are fully wymienialni. But what is important about these several millions know the pseudo-environmentalists.

I would not want to accuse the pseudo-environmentalists from Rospuda of corruption and I stress that I have no evidence of this and do that for them, just do not think, but let me note that many investments are blocked by pseudo-environmentalists in the past ended or unsuccessful (ie, their success), or silent, and which taking a bribe. To make it more fun, bribe has not been system without a bribe under the table. These pseudo-environmentalists have ecological foundations on which the settlement was paid sumki round.

But what about the foundation may have potentially pseudo-environmentalists? Well, they can. First, 10% of revenues (not profit) foundations can be quite openly and legally for the cost of the foundation, eg Mr. President will receive a monthly salary of 10,000 PLN, 8000 PLN Lady Accountants. Foot soldiers who will receive the following zupce daily during pseudo-ecological demonstration, and the list congratulation from Mr. President. Once I was even about this story in TVN, except in SuperWizjer.

At this point I wish to emphasize once again: with no pseudo-environmentalists accuse the Rospuda, and the following text will only insinuation, which I hope and believe it will be inaccurate.

insinuation so is this: pseudo-environmentalists from Rospuda very well realizes the cost to redesign the highway that runs that way and will be blocked for some time that investment, then generously fall into the idea that, however, could lead that way highway, but it gets towards the ecology of something else, for example, what they want to PLN 5,000,000 for one of its foundations. Oh, just like that. And how do you, Dear Reader, what does an investor?

For some time I began to speak on the portal Very thought-platform portal, and very interesting articles. At this point let me quote can post on this website with

"Pardon! - Daily political and social information in addition own review of Polish and foreign newspapers, daily blogs, reviews, editorial comments and analysis, presents the opinions of Internet users involved. Before editors erected task of formulating clear-cut commentary, sometimes kpiarskiego, catching understatement, or amplifying the information on which other media have put too little emphasis, or they have missed. "

But why am I writing about?" Well, there also took the floor on the Rospuda Valley . Now he can widen the voice a bit.

Several years ago, before the attacks on the World Trade Center, it got loud about the Taliban. The reason was the blowing up of their cultural heritage associated with other faiths. You love the Taliban, or not (I personally have their I do not like) but we should appreciate their way of dealing with the problem that causes continuous discussion, which was precisely the protection of cultural property.

solution was simple: blow up everything in hell, and the discussions will end. And as it turned out, were absolutely right. Ie. of course, for a moment the discussions, even raised. But how much was it? Two months? Maybe three? And the end. There is no discussion on the cultural planted, as well as their own is gone. The end of the rows, treatments diplomatic and everything else.

What's more, I think a similar solution appropriate for the Rospuda Valley. Pseudo-environmentalists should be disposed of, while she herself was plowed. And it's not even for the highway. It's simply a show of force against those sowing chaos in the democratic state. Can not be equated at the end of the protection of human life (eg, by reducing the number of accidents) to the protection of some insects ...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What Is The Property Rate In Kharghar

Quo Vadis, Polish?

So that somehow made that any of my posts on this blog elicited a lively discussion. The results of this discussion have a common and quite frightening element.

Well, as it turned out, the majority of callers have little understanding of the law - whether it is a license, or a general law, knowledge of the law is appallingly low.

And what is even more frightening, my interlocutors present a very low propensity to live by the rules imposed on us all the right, leaning more towards - well, maybe not yet lawlessness and anarchy - but still alive, without regard for others, and without to respect any rules. Just as much for themselves.

This is particularly evident when it comes to licenses. For a few of my interlocutors, licensing issues are totally'm passing. One of them even explicitly declared its readiness to commit a crime of piracy of computer, it stops responding when the price you want for their product by the manufacturer.

wonder where we get, as a nation if we do not respect the sacred property of private companies, and even more rights. What awaits us in 50 years? Does anyone will be worth something in this country do? Can be pre-destined to fail because of pirates?

May we, however, had recovered in time ...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I Volunteer Hours Letter

About DRM once again ...

... but this time with a different barrel. Several readers wytknęło I supposed fickleness views. As it finally may be that companies can push ordinary people oppressed music with DRM, while the client station is about care? Why, it is in my head does not fit (at least some)!

Well, to answer this question, we must understand the mechanisms of motivation and their careers. They are very closely linked and are the cause of all the situations, events and divisions. Not only at work but in every life situation.

is not the time of course, settling on the theoretical bases of these mechanisms - there is no point in such detail as to bore you, Dear Reader. Instead, let's talk about practice.

saying is that the work does not get it, who knows how to work, but who knows how to get a job. Many people attempt to deny its truth, but it is unfortunately (for them) is true. Moreover, it concerns not only the work of getting one, but also promotions. His career is doing because the only one who wants to do. And I'm not thinking of the conscious desire - that, although important, is totally inadequate. Needed to build a career is called. psychological readiness *.

But back to topic, or to the DRM and Railway Station. How is that to some people expect something different than the others? It's simple.

Well, the "pressing" of the DRM music to customers, or anything else, is the domain of people who make a career. They are successful people, pursuing a professional. For such people counts above all creative thinking, and possible deficiencies in the culture, you can swallow. The development of such people should be encouraged in every way by offering both training and suitable entertainment - here are an example of football, or cinema screenings at work, the company's projector.

Customer Service, or any other work of a reproducible and definable nature, is the domain of people who have done career and will not do. Again, I emphasize: this is not intelligence identifies their career opportunities, but simply a mental readiness. The development of such people is not important from the perspective of the employer, it is important to the culture of personal loyalty and meticulousness in carrying out orders and instructions.

From a customer standpoint, the situation is only slightly different - his perspective is different from the perspective of the employer just the fact that he is in contact only with the latter group of employees, while the first group is working quietly in the privacy office.

Do you understand, Dear Reader, why I was so outrageous treatment of the customer at the station, while I support DRM?

* - The previous system was a saying: "no baccalaureate, but the sincere desire, will make you officer." Here, after all, the same willingness is not enough, at least secondary education is equally important that the candidate has gained so. refinement, but the password is surprisingly up to date.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor 8th Day

Popiep ... Completely

happened to me Tuesday very unpleasant story. I went to see in the afternoon to the train station to buy a ticket. Mellowed her in the queue, a customer here in front of me hag in the window says that ... It has a BREAK!

imagine, Dear Reader? Break! Ordinary worker! Ordinary woman in the window!

Previously I had no special reason to complain to the station - perhaps because he used the services of this "business" too frequently. Much more then surprised me negatively about her opinions. Yes, trains can not be too modern, but eventually there could be a quality appropriate to the ticket price.

But now ... I understand now that the opinion of the kolejarzach opieprzających constantly. In my head, but to me does not fit, like a serial employee can just shoot one's mouth to the customer ... But the most

regret that happens to hurry and could not do too much fuss. I made such a fuss of his time in his city, which resulted in a written reprimand to the employee from the manager of the station.

conclusion, the insolence of rank shall be my opinion that the average customer will not have the time or inclination to ensure that justice had been done. Therefore, everyone should fight with rudeness and idleness, even sacrificing a little of his personal time.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Medical Marijuana Severe Tendonitis

Enterprise DRM - a threat, or ... ?

to write this post inspired me to a discussion of the news groups, provoked a statement Steve Jobs (the one from Apple) about DRM.

DRM problem, contrary to appearances, does not lie in. .. DRM. It lies somewhere else: the human mentality. And in our situation, the mentality generated from several years of the previous system, which is the mentality of the next generation inherit ...

not right? So let's look at the phenomenon, DRM which is not apparently nothing in common. Let's look specifically dorożkarzom the Highlands. It's such a small occupational group, of which some time ago it got loud when the tax office told them to install cash registers. He did an amazing lament, what kind they are oppressed.

A are oppressed? It is really irrelevant. The important thing is that in Poland we have such an invention, as income tax. This tax covers all sources of income, including those withheld and / or illegal. Thus, theoretically, these cabbies pay tax on their income. But apparently it's just a theory - because if they did, indeed, what do protested against sickness insurance funds? The more that banks have set-up costs be reimbursed ...

protested against you so why cabbies? Against the income tax as such? No! They protested against the tax wyekzekwowaniu happen to them! So the income tax in principle is not bad as long as they can be swiveled from him ...

But back to the DRM. With this technology, the problem is indeed quite different, but when unfolded it on the first factor, there is surprisingly common elements with those unfortunate dorożkarzami.

DRM problem is really simple to understand it to anyone who is able to distinguish the concept of material property of an intangible asset. But uwaaaagaa!

A person wishing to pass as intelligent, spoke with me once in a wider circle of family and copyright of their violations. The content of the conversation, or rather monologue, can be summarized as follows: how to copy music, you're a thief. It's exactly as if you stole the Mercedes from a neighbor block.

But is it indeed? Of course not. The problem is that in the minds of many Poles, unfortunately, but yes. And frankly, I do not know how to it takes, or how to fight.

(And if you're one of those who consider this allegation to be true of Mercedes - learn that stealing a Mercedes, stealing from a neighbor, while copying the music from that neighbor - not the only record label. Indeed, the theft occurs, and here and there but the injured party is quite different.)

the second time I went away from the DRM ... Let's go back to him for good. DRM problem relates to intangibles - the simplest terms, finally, was an effective mechanism that allows record companies to control the use of these goods.

The second thing that differs from tangible assets (the first is the aspect of the theft) is the way of their use. Imagine, Dear Reader, that you feel like the cake with the cream. Just like that. So what are you doing? Well, you go to the cafe, buy and eat them. It's obvious, right? Similarly, it is clear that if you eat a cookie, that's it still does not have (because it has been eaten). Is that so?

again So if you feel like a cake, then again you'll have to go to the candy store and buy a new cake, right? And this is precisely characterized by material possessions.

good assets and are governed by slightly different rules. Suppose you want to listen to the music. Just like that. What are you doing? You buy a CD with music and turn it in a player. Right? And what do you do if for a week again, you want to listen to this album? Well, then start it in a player. But zaaaaraz! Is there something I do not omitted?

Yes! I skipped buying a CD again. That's the biggest difference between tangible and intangible: the good assets can be reproduced at will and reusable. So in practice, the label does not control what the buyer will do with her plate and how many times.

And here comes the DRM. DRM is a technology that allows for effective control of the acquired ways of using the track. So buy the album and listen to. But in a week ... Again you have to buy it, listen to it again.

course, not really talking about the CDs. Music has long been available for purchase, both legally and illegally, in the form of a virtual, ie, no plates - the same files on your computer.

I get back here the last time already mentioned at the beginning of the cabbies. Cabbies did not protest against the tax - they protested against the effective enforcement of the tax. DRM cause similar protests, but no one protests against piracy! Protests affect only that he would end up at the end of the uncontrolled use of the acquired assets, such as the music.

But how? It's no longer will be able, once buying music, listen to it at will? How?

And so it! Decades of living in the past regime has taught us or our parents that the "culture" should have any access in the form of unlimited.

Only if such an approach to the topic is right? Of course, the point of view will vary depending on the point of the seat. People who had never have written anything more than the shopping list, consider DRM as an incarnation of Satan. Labels for the salutary and technology.

However, this viewpoint is not in this case to end so simply. This time, it depends not only on the point of the seat, but also on social consciousness.

Because what is unlimited and free access to goods of any type? And what we once led? What has led many other countries? What is happening today in Cuba? Not

I do intend dywagować of capitalism over socialism advantages that - these are obvious, but I would like to draw your attention to the simple fact that the ratio of the DRM is a perfect reflection of the political and economic views of the person.

So Let's argument, which most often use in discussions opponents of DRM: "DRM will bloom paradoxical qualified piracy."

And yes, he will. This will, therefore, that it will end for many people reuse, including for commercial purposes (for example on TV in the infamous barber), but once purchased the song. For

Brightness: buy music every time you want to hear it, absolutely no sense. The sense is no one-time purchase, eg 20 plays. And if the buyer is still not enough, a consecutive plays dokupujemy.

And here is the dog buried: DRM will make the studios will start selling could therefore plays a specific package and not just the proverbial one copy of the music. And what's more, they can separate (and expensive!) Sell music for commercial use. And this has lead to increased piracy certified - many people, after urealnieniu (just yes! urealnieniu!) the cost of music no longer afford it, so go for piracy.

But is that wrong? Again, it depends on your perspective. Obviously, these people would prefer to remain legal by buying one copy of the music and based on the inadequacy of existing methods of controlling the use of this music. Completely understand these people. However, it should simply say to yourself: this is wrong!

All my professional experience clearly taught me one thing: the most important in any business is clarity. If I sell something to someone, either there are some methods of control what he will do with this thing, or can I expect sooner or later he will invent a way to use this thing, in fact, I'll be on that loser.

But how kind of way? It's simple: if someone wants me to buy the program, and I know (let's assume for a moment so here. Perfect knowledge), how much he earned on this program, I can calculate the price you should pay me. This price, of course, has nothing to do with my true costs (these are just my lower level of profitability) - it is so calculated that I earned as much as possible and yet he is even worth it. It's brutal, but that's life and his principles.

So now if someone comes up with new ways to use the program, which he sold, which is how he earns more, then I will be lossy. Why? Well, I knew right away how much the buyer (let's call it an end user here) actually earned, zażądałbym more money from him knowing full well that they will be able to pay.

similar situation exists for those people who want to buy one copy of the music, and then use it at will. To reiterate again: this is wrong. And if it's bad, it is the most positive podpadnięcie these persons in piracy eligible after the introduction of DRM. Yes, it's even more brutal, but in the end we either begin to be violent, or we still lived in a world of discretion, which generally prevails in our country.

I: discretion. White is white, but like me is wrong and he is starving, it may, however, white is black ... NO! White is white, and my starvation (or even a real prospect of imminent death by starvation) absolutely does not entitle me (and in any event should not) to steal bread!

Well, but here is what reveals the Polish mentality. My personal benefit is after all more important than the absolute rule of law. State law or private, imposed in the form of licenses purchased good ...

Monday, February 5, 2007

Hamilton Bay Fan Remote

Why do we need minimum wage?

Many people wonder what we as a society, we need minimum wage. What's more, many people consider the existence of such an invention to be useful. Is it right? Let's do a little

simulation. Imagine, Dear Reader, that you have some savings there, and you want to invest in some business. Suppose you want to open a garage.

first The situation, if there were no minimum wage:

a) You open, employ four men for every 400 zł gross (let's assume for now that will agree to work for so much *, and that there are no unnecessary rotation). This gives you 1600 zł gross staff costs (for simplicity, assume that the gross salary = CKP, which means that they do not cost you anything more than their gross salary.)

b) Let us dispense with a spin period to simplify the business and assume that he goes full pair (taking into account their ability and your willingness to develop). Let's say that the income after deducting all expenses except for employees (for example, the parts can not be saved) is 6000 zł per month. In this 1600 zł pay employees and for yourself you have to clean 4400 zł gross (that is, of course, just to simplify). Such earnings you satisfied enough to dismantle the business. Four people have a job (the conditions are what they are, yet they have a job).

second The situation of the minimum wage at 800 zł per month:

Counting the costs 3200 zł salary amount per month, so you will be 2800 zł. That amount does not satisfy you, because, for example, you can earn elsewhere ~ 3500 zł, without the involvement (and risk!) Own capital to invest in such a fund. Four people no longer work.

And if you, Dear Reader, you still think the minimum wage as something necessary and useful?

* Car repair and all the bids come from the real business plan, which was created about 10 years ago for someone from my family and abandoned because of the minimum wage. If This invention was not, actually four people that got jobs. And in those circumstances (massive unemployment, lack of prospects for stable, low) were willing to work for 400 zł gross ...