Qui remember that ara fa 68 anys will be executats to finals març month of 1943, the major part dels membres of the first regional committee Iberian Federation of Libertarian Youth (FIJL) in Catalonia?
This FIJL the first committee was headed by Joaquin Pallares and Thomas, born in 1923 in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, short (only 20) but intense life.
all started on 8 March 1943 with the arrest of a dozen members. Two weeks later, specifically on the 24th, he made one of those grotesque sumaríssims trials in which defendants were already sentenced to death before the start of the session.
On 29 garrotte were executed at the Modelo prison in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bnine members of the group: Thomas Joaquin Pallares, Francisco Rodriguez Alvarez, Fernando Ruiz Fernandez, Benedict Sauté Martin, John Aguilà Mompart, Barnabas Depaz Argüelles, Agustín Francisco Atares Josep Serra and Pedro López Tréssols Meix.
Two days later three companions climbed the gallows: José García Navarro, Vicente Martínez Fuster Pelfort and John Thomas.
only saved the lives of five members of the group: Vicente Iglesias, José Urrea, Manuel Garcia Hilario Rafael Olalde i Fondevilla.
Tot anar molt is rapid, Només enllestit in three Setmana: detinguts day 8, the 24 i jutjats executats on 29 i 31. It was the month of març 1943, "Quarto Year of Victory" .
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