Saturday, May 30, 2009

Honda Accord Bluetooth Compatible Phones

letters with pictures of Angels (Tarot and Oracles)

This entry has covered several Images of Angels:

Oracle Angels, Ambika Wauters

36 cards with beautiful original artwork oracle forms inspired this angelic beings and their world.
reminds us that these have the gift to protect us and guide us with your everlasting love.
are the starting point for reflections illuminated appropriate to small everyday problems, but also to the great challenges of life.
There is nothing negative or confused in reading the letters of the angels, all offer positive aspects of love and healing energy to all situations, making use in a beautiful experience of understanding and support.


Angels'Oracle Cards.
Stefanino Designed by Rossano
32 cards.

Angels' Oracle Cards.rar

A Heavenly Host Tarot
posted: Pen & Sword Ltd
author: Marvin Lawson
c) 2006 Pen & Sword Ltd

Angelic Tarot:

Angel Deck (2005)
Posted by: Pen & Sword Ltd
Author: Marvin Lawson Oracle
: 53 Cards

Healing With The Angels
- heal with the Angels -
by Doreen Virtue
Oracle Deck - 44 Cards
Published by Hay House

44 cards of different styles of angels with images of multiple colors.
oracle Each card represents a trait or activity, such as listening, forgiveness, spiritual growth or healing through the message that the angels have for every situation. Softcover
and positive.

here the author's website:

Healing With The Angels. rar

Oracle Angel Voices:
By Antonella Castelli (artwork) and Laura Tuan (concepts)
Oracular Cover - 80 Cards Published by Lo Scarabeo

Angels appearing on the cover following the structure described in the texts of the Medieval Christian Gnostic tradition, where there are 72 guardian angels divided into nine "choirs" of angels eight each.

Each card indicates, along with the number, the Hebrew name for the Angel, planetary formation to which it belongs, the guiding planet, the key word that sums up the task, the area of \u200b\u200binterest (emotions, health, work, property ...) and the importance of divination.


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