Another academic year has been going at best. The official start of this time honored lecture by prof. Tadeusz Slawek But you already here. The first lecture was, Hundreds of new students also are students of previous years, nice to see, so with humor, you can start work next year:). A happy situation is not missing, here they are:
Scene 1
(call a student, greeted, gave the name, so I went on his account)
Student: Do you have books?
I: To 25.07.2008.
Student: That you remember?
Scene 2
(student looking for a book long in the directory from which you write down a title author and a signature, just gave me the title and author)
Me: And what this book is a signature?
(student long stares at the monitor)
Student: It's hard to feel ...:
Me: A writer?
(student tries to remember) Student: ... Short and the "h".
(Mines students and librarians husband ... priceless)
Scene 5
(wypożczalni came to the student, but not approached the counter, he had to consult the phone book titles, so I watch and wait)
Student (after finishing the conversation turns to me) : Boredom, no?
6th Stage
(students come from the defense, to conquer obiegówki, conquer them and want them removed account) One of the students: How do we get back to us obleją! Please do not delete!
7th Stage
(student sought in the directory book I read from the screen title and author)
Me: A Signature? (student grabs a bag and goes back to her)
Student: Give?
CDN ;-)
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