Friday, August 8, 2008

Relationship Counter For Blog

Great shame Beijing

It so happened that I took today, free and just watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

must admit that China really have pushed - but on the other hand there is nothing surprising in China do not have to worry about such crap as the 8-hour workday, or other socialist inventions.

But what is the title embarrassment?

Now imagine one of the parts of the ceremony was a parade of representatives from various countries participating in the Olympic stadium, on which the ceremony took place.

to the good stuff, however. Well, who can be understood by the representatives? Us refer to such corporate culture. Any industry - may be the car manufacturer, FMCG, or anything else.

Let us assume that it is itself an official ceremony, you may need to send representatives of the group. Does it send the installers from the tape? As a rule, do not. Of course, there are several frequently to a party somewhere in the back will find that, if necessary, could be presented the generosity and dedication of the staff. But if they are to represent company? Answer yourself, Dear Reader ...

But back to the Olympics and said the march. This march, yes, from a distance looked nice. But up close - a pity to talk ... Instead, some decent representation, most countries have issued just athletes. Serial athletes ...

begs the fundamental question: what exactly are these athletes their coaches, managers, activists, or whatever it's called in the sport, since the ordinary, ordinary workers can go just like that to represent your country?

Are supervisors, managers Olympic delegation, did not know what's going on? Or maybe you just were too miękcy that allowed his subordinates to leave the serial for the stadium on the day of celebration.

In a normal corporation is such that ordinary workers are indeed very needed, but for normal operation of the tape (or elsewhere, depends on individual qualifications.) I emphasize: the normal, everyday work. From the representation and drinking champagne on behalf of the Board of rank. And then, Directors and Managers.

But it is what happened in Beijing, makes us think, which led to a desire to present the China has that in them is the freedom that ordinary workers can perform tasks for which they have no idea ...


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