Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hypoglycemia And Anemia Iron Deficiency


Tomorrow Children's Day, and I have for you this opportunity fast (and sweet ^ ^) contest.
to win candy lip Jelly Belly's in three delicious colors!

What you need to do to get one of them ?

a . Polubcie me on facebook or add to watch Google's network.
2 . write a comment, stating your name , address, e-mail and name (jednego!) selected taste.

Troika number generator will select the winners. On the application you have time until tomorrow (01/06/2011) to 23:59 hours ! Time, Go!

What Do Flamin Hots Do To Your

Videos of police repression in the camp of Plaza Catalonia.

Click the image to see the videos.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How Long Is Oral Herpes Contagious

peacock feather

Now I live almost from Friday to Friday - I took out their exams what about a week. I do not know, I do not feel (yet!) somehow this session.
advantage of this day is that I regained my computer. :) Odwirusowany with czyściutkim drive and plenty of space for photos ...

meantime, I present to you my new tunic and dress appropriately , only in that Seth will be doing for the leggings, a tunic (as it the weather is unpredictable lately, I preferred not to exaggerate with flying with bare feet.) Usually I had reservations about buying things from powycinanymi back, but somehow a break and to my delight dress is sewn so that even possible to hide under her bra! I'm really pleased that fact, because no silicone wonders, indeed transparent, plastic buckles I am not convinced.
Also, I wore a peacock feather . I wear them once in a blue moon and did not know why, because I think they are great. ;)
Aida already know, I love this bag and do not regret a penny. Ba! - Although it might for some terrible crime, then I dare to say that I like more Wang from the original (especially when it comes to skin texture.)

I think this is my first outfit with spiętymi hair (and the first exit from the hair spiętymi probably about a year - somehow I do not like the hair tie.) Well, maybe not that bad. ;)

dress - junkshop07 yet only the results of the last pass of the Union, examinations i. .. welcome holiday! Awfully fast this year, I flew. In general, studies are passing in a alarming rate. Oo Oglądaliście film "Rio"? If you do not - I highly recommend. The first 2 minutes of the film I could watch over and over looped! And the colors! Aww, wonder. ^ ^ As much as one would like to visit South America. In honor of the sweet little blue, dress in "his" color. ;) pictures taken along the shaft flood on the Bug.

dress -
Maisy Loves You bah! - Even dare I say - SUMMER fully, and I sit on the ears in the code. In addition, my computer has landed "in repair" and I am only available to the laptop, which I love, but who also, unfortunately, is not suitable for many things. For a long time but nothing was new on the blog, so I gathered up and pomęczyłam bit of Picasa. Effects below.

Allegro. Well, as I wrote in one of the earlier notes, flooded the keyboard. And as I'm allegroholiczką, I decided to buy another just by the All. Unfortunately, to my disappointment, the keyboard came broken - it does not work in some of the keys. I sent so quickly under the keyboard complaints. And what? There I found her! Apparently the keyboard works great (I wonder why on my two computers do not work?) And yet I was planted here is that the keyboard was so well packaged that it looked nieotwieraną! Proposal
Remember how you advertise equipment, video recording and recording defect podrzyjcie foil and packaging, to no one dares to criticize that you do not have opened the box. ;)))
Happy weekend!

shirt, shorts
, band - H & M and without duplication, I put the outfit below, which also saw already yesterday, but by the action of vis maior
disappeared somewhere in cyberspace.
dress - junkshop07 The draw took place before the failure blogger entry when the competition had 68 comments.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How Recurring Depositformulainterest Rate

like in Rio

a little bit of spring

~ * ~
brief solace contest a pause in blogging
(not open carbonated drinks over the keyboard! -.-)
you can win a cute necklace - from the bow ASOS.COM .
photo by asos.com just that: 1)
'll love
me on facebook

2) Leave a comment under a note with your e-mail address.
number generator selects the winner. Contest lasts until
Wednesday, 11 May. to 23.59 hrs
. Results will be announced the next day.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Financerecurring Deposit Interest Formula

detention and aggression in La Bisbal

Press release from La Bisbal, 25 May 2011

Friday May 20 at noon a co-CNT-AIT was arrested by police in La Bisbal after a neighbor denounced the electoral campaign that was played. By asking yourself the documentation and then go to the search, several policemen were patrolling off the car and threw him violently on until after the police agreed to take him to the doctor to heal all the wounds to the face.

In turn the union's lawyer was told that in guarding The police commissioner of Police, where he was denied the opportunity to leave the detention without effect with the subpoena to testify. According to police, the union maintained the jail until the next day early in the morning when you deliberate statement to the judge and / or would do a quick trial.

The next Saturday, the lawyer of CNT-AIT again come to attend the
fellow detainee, and was surprised to find that they bring to justice to clarify the facts and were released . This deception by the police, the only coherent reason to spend a night in jail a member of CNT-AIT is to punish him outside the law for their opposition to the electoral campaign.

take this statement to denounce the shameless political institutions that subsidize milionàriament posters and banners in the streets of towns and cities, which are dedicated to disseminating the photographs-faces of little flashes and their absurd slogans that do not build anything on our society. Instead, try to exalt an image of a family holiday that democracy does not exist.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Flaky Dry Face Natural Grapeseed Oil

The electoral campaign for the CNT-AIT Manresa concentration supports the call today at 20:30 in the Plaza Santo Domingo

  • The union Crafts Misc Manresa, adheres to the call made from social networks, and later it can give.

  • show the rejection of possible eviction, as has been threatened since the Electoral Commission itself, in different parts of the state and the repression suffered last week in Madrid.

From Manresa Miscellaneous Trades union, joined the National Confederation of Labour, we support the convening of the first concentration, convened by social networks, from hastag # Manresaindignada twitter and Facebook group Tahar @ Manresa.

In addition 60 cities around the state, there have been demonstrations against the current crisis created by the caste politics and banking, who have been paying when we were working class, with cuts in basic services denied them the ability to access others such as housing, and labor reforms and against pension

Locally, the cuts to workers' rights of the City of Manresa, and mismanagement politicians in this us, you have to pay whoever created, and that part of our organization, we will meet there as before. As we reported recently from our Association Section

We also recall that in a recent ruling by the Constitutional Court on 15 November 2010, pleaded that the ban on a demonstration day of reflection was a violation of fundamental right assembly and demonstration. Although this sentence was a demonstration on the day of the woman in the same sentence clearly reflects that the General Court Cnstitucional doctrine is that "the exercise of the right of meeting, of which the right is a vertiente demonstrations, owes prevailed, except that resulting suficientemente accredited by the Administration and, in his case, by the court, that the principal finalidad call is the harnessing of sufragios.. "

therefore understand and support this movement, horizontal base, and open to assembly workers, unemployed / s, students, young retirees, and other mortgage holders to achieve a fairer society, as their own, as a class organization, without subsidies or released, and independent of any political party, and not understand any possible eviction of concentration camps and carried out at different points of state, as any attempt to repression, as was done a week in Madrid.

also placed in the working class Manresa, and the whole of central Catalonia, in

participation to show the indignation of society.

# # #

Manresa Miscellaneous Trades Union of the CNT-AIT

Press Secretary

Cover Letter For The Post Of Nurse Trainee

through rose-colored glasses

Unless my memory serves me, yet I had no opportunity to present my
cornflower Kristy
imported from Krakow. I thought long over it, eventually I took and I do not regret! Peel could be a bit porządniejsza, but it is very cool: the small, capacious and sad (and unfortunately most of my bags.) And obviously,
bandage skirt was my summer "must have", I was looking for it since the end of autumn and winter, I managed to find it in
This orange claws and old Granny beads with the task to revive the unit. :)

blouse -
married colleagues, the meeting for which I waited for a very Depend ... But I love how something happens, so do not complain to the influx of events. :) And from May I take for myself and write ... the fitness and gym!

photo Kobylińska Weronika Kaja

dress - junkshop07
In the end I was able to start my winter purchase - asosową (yes, again) dress. Even after the "first event" I love it. Great to wear, it was a very successful purchase!
What this? - Neon nails
and orange lipstick kokardkowe
+ tights + wedges in a pseudo-leopard. Voilà!

dress, bought at Asosie have a few nice months ago. Dress gathered up their own opinions as "piżamowa," but I really like it - it's light, thinking, Cotton (I said already that I hate polyester?). bar founded back in front, this is my new patent niekupowanie 2 different bars. ;) That it before it fell into no ... wish you a nice weekend (April 16 - National Day of Glamour , remember?)!

Asos ?
If not, time to catch up!
15 discount vouchers giving
25% discount on purchases

above an amount of 25 PLN (valid until the end of May this year.)
The rules are very simple. :) first Polubcie shop
on facebook

Rabbit Hole
on facebook .

third Let
comment on this entry, typing in your e-mail content.
competition lasts until 26.04 (Tuesday) at 23:59. number generator will select the winners. Results will be announced on Wednesday (27.04).

Results (27.04)
patitkas7@onet.eu faaanaberie@wp.pl
redzio153@vp.pl lisssaa@wp.pl diabollique69@o2.pl marm0ladka @ gmail . com
bajka-86@wp.pl plosieq@hotmail.com ola756@interia.eu papirus14@op.pl
depp94@gmail.com lola1315 @ Cupids . com -> click