Monday, March 30, 2009

Ikea Stranne Lamp Review


From "Tarot Myths and Archetypes" invite us to participate in these exciting and unmissable courses:


Here are the details and modalities of each of them:


Tarot This course aims to teach the symbolism of the Tarot from a Jungian perspective, providing resources to interpret the Tarot from a therapeutic perspective and provide elements to understand different symbolic languages.

The course will be held at the following locations, hours and conditions:

In Garden of Angels:

Corrientes 1680 - 1st P - CA Buenos Aires
Friday 20:30 19.
biweekly mode Home
April 3

In Villa Park
City of Buenos Aires Aut
20:30 Tuesday 19.
weekly mode
Home April 7

Previous Registration - Limited availability

Marcela Simonetti: 4588-3376 / 15-4144-1503 /

the course is a comparative study in the following bundles:

Marsellés Tarot, Rider Waite Tarot
and Mythic Tarot

The course is delivered with the same features:
theoretical material digitized digital tarot decks, online videos and related items.


Level 1: Major Arcana

history and origins of tarot
Introduction to archetypal journey: the 22 major arcana and the process of individuation.
images and symbols Archetypes

Myths of each arcane
Light and shadow
Comparison with other decks
Introduction to the interpretation and runs

Duration: One semester

Level 2: Minor Arcana


4 elements and the suits of the Tarot
numbers and letters concerning
sequences 1 to 10 of each suit
each stick figures: personality types
decks Comparison

Duration: One semester

See related article:
TAROT Jungian Approach



The Counseling (Consulting Psychology) is a helping profession that is to guide, advise, inform and promote human development. The role is directed to the area of \u200b\u200bmental health prevention and promotion of personal development.

From the Jungian perspective, individuals are in a continuous process of development toward wholeness and completion (individuation).

To support and facilitate this process using different techniques, dream analysis, active imagination, dream directed, performance of different products of the unconscious where it can be reflected thoughts, feelings, perceptions and different aspects of the psyche within a framework of trust, acceptance and respect for the individual.

This will help to integrate the conscious and unconscious favoring personal balance., Conflict resolution, overcoming different crises that arise throughout the life cycle and development of individual potential.

queries are single, have a duration of 1 hour and the frequency and duration of the process is evaluated in each particular case according to the situation of the client.

preliminary interview is required.


A Tarot reading is a reflection of our inner world.

Through images of the letters are mirrored emotions, thoughts, attitudes, hopes, fears, trends, traces of the past and a wide spectrum of possibilities.

archetypal images of mysteries give us valuable information and help us become aware in the here and now of different aspects of our lives.

Tarot Consultation Oriented Therapy can help the consultant to: Take

more conscious decisions
Understanding life events
Observe where it comes from and where it tends situation.
recognize patterns and internal standards
Discovering alternatives.
Expand knowledge of oneself

This style of reading is interactive: it is a joint effort between two people, where questions and answers are developed, using the amplification and other resources to help reveal the message symbols in the current situation.

The duration of the consultation is 1h 30m.


flower therapy is a natural therapeutic system developed by Dr. Edward Bach, is the use of flower essences to treat human beings and their illnesses through emotions.

floral therapy helps balance the emotional area of \u200b\u200bthe individual and relieving the symptoms caused by any imbalance in it.

is focused on prevention and maintenance of the welfare and quality of life.

Arcana and Flores

Different approaches to recognize what is the mood that needs to balance the individual and what is the appropriate flower essence for that state.

The Arcana of Tarot reflect archetypal patterns and can help make conscious emotional states, thereby providing information and a new clarity to selection of flower essences.

Queries have a duration of 1 hour and the frequency and duration of the process is evaluated in each particular case according to the situation of the client.

The consultation includes floral choice.

Marc Simonetti

Jungian Transpersonal Psychology Training (Aion / 3 years), Psychological Consultant (Argentina School of Social Psychology / 3 years), Therapist Floral (Cefyn / 1 year), Graduate Training and Health Promotion Mental (Hospital Alvarez / 1 year), training in meditation and exercises designed to increase body awareness, energy awareness, symbolic reality and feminine spirituality (Harmonia Humanitas-Psychology Foundation Mystic-12 years)

Simonetti: 4588-3376 / 15-4144-1503


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stringy Period After Miscarriage

The Ancestral Path Tarot (The Ancestral Path Tarot) Tarot

Created by: Julie Cuccia-Watts
Tarot deck of 78 cards
Published by: U.S. Games 1996

The Ancestral Path Tarot combines images of traditional Tarot deck with symbols of ancient cultures: the Native Americans, Feudal Japan, the Arthurian Britain and Ancient Egypt.
Each minor arcana suit corresponds to a particular culture or tradition.

portrays the paths created by the ancestors of different cultures and times.
The artist Julie Cuccia-Watts is based on the spirit of ancestors is still alive through its conservation through stories and myths of oral and written tradition.
The four suits represent the four cultures:
Swords: Japanese feudalism,
Bastos: Africa and Egypt,
Cup: Britain and Legends of King Arthur
Oros, (called Sacred Cirules) : Native Americans.
Each of these cultures is portrayed in a historical period: the Japanese feudal era, the 19th Egyptian dynasty of Ramses II, Arthurian Britain.
Court Cards show gods, goddesses and other key figures of these times.

This cover visually impacting us in terms of art, colors and the achievement of each scene, while his deep spiritual traps us.
In the Major Arcana, the traditional figures are mixed up with the representation of characters for different ethnic groups.
For example, the Force is represented by an African woman,

Empress evokes the Middle Eastern mother goddess,

The Star is a Native American.

's letter posted, struck me as it is represented by a baby in the womb, ready to be born.

cover Curiosities:

The Charter for the Fool, is a portrait of its creator with his own letters.

The Minor Arcana traditionally called "Oros" or pentacles (usually interpreted as "a matter of money"), this deck is called Sacred Circles and its significance is related to a deep exploration of community resources,
isolation, and discovery.
Tracey Hoover, the author of the book that accompanies these letters, should explore this route in reverse order Minor Arcana,
from 10 to Ace
Since each card has a deeper meaning, this is ideal cover for spiritual consultations and for those who have mystical purposes.

Video Presentation of the 78 letters with music,
A journey through the ancient route

The Ancestral Path Tarot (The Ancestral Path Tarot)
Uploaded by betdelmar

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pain In Legs At Nioght With Under Active Thyroid

Redondo Madrepaz - Arcana

Major Arcana from the perspective of the Tarot
Madrepaz Redondo.

A tour of the 22 Major Arcana, from 0 (la Loca) to XXI (The World), represented with images from the early cultures and peoples also present (30,000 years of women's culture throughout the world) who advocate the principles matriarchal (Native Americans, Africans and peoples of the Islands)

Video presentation of the Letters
The 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot Madrepaz:

Tarot and Meditation ( by Viky Noble)

"The tarot is a set of vector images of ancient wisdom in the form of secret or esoteric teachings. This teaching occult symbols can be decoded using the intuitive mind of the right hemisphere of the brain to "read" the images on the cards. Through study and meditation reposado starts tarot readers in new areas of psychic knowledge and self-understanding.
The 22 Major Arcana are principles cosmic and 56 Minor Arcana cards represent the basic and human worlds. "

"The object of meditation is to escape from any bias and allow the pictures to reveal their meanings. The state of consciousness necessary to read the letters is the relaxation and responsiveness."

"The tarot is a form of sacred play. There is only one way to read the letters, nor any proper interpretation you're trying to guess. What is crucial for a successful reading is the suspension of ordinary consciousness and surrender to power visual symbol. Leave your critical thinking, trust your intuition.
Once you let the cards speak, no limit to what you can do with them. You can hear voices, experiencing the action personally. Let the pictures take you somewhere in the previous plans and will serve as instruments of change. You be creative intuitive disclosed - if you leave it - secrets and stories to your being awake. Bridging the gap between these two beings is the ultimate goal of any form of meditation. "

To view full cover