Monday, September 22, 2008

Pasco County Cruise Spots

the projector and with humor;)

Before we even managed to spoil the autumn weather moods I had the opportunity to visit Krakow and participate in the conference Fri "Practical aspects of creating digital libraries," which was organized Chile's
County Library Public . Immediately I have to commend the organizers for a very good organization and a perfect selection of topics presented
. It was a few but the most important problems of digital librarianship practice. And I admit that most of these were strictly IT issues. But despite all that day did not lack humor:). Especially the fact
unofficial part of the meeting was the adopted waelski dragon, "wydziergaƂam" another pair of ears and there were also lizards of the genus djvu ;-). But back to the humor ... in the first instance (Mr. Kolasa, and on formats hybrid b-tekach digital) information appeared in a note of optimism: "It is not always possible to do it, but theoretically always
Speaking of Tom calotte" atoms, "drove digitization probably known to us from childhood, and brought to the speaker's top, while the same distribution of elementary particles digitization brought to mind nothing less than the LHC - Large Hadron Collider:). What if he was an inspiration to Thomas ;-). But it was a lot of dynamics, because the audience has picked another Remi Fox, which showed the benefits of activating the collective intelligence, implementing an experiment the community piloting the plane. Some of the pieces of the library 2.0 have also been exhilarating:
"they set us up front dwuzerowym"
"terribly long have I, Please state, in short ... " I mention only some of the speakers, of course, but it all went to the exceptionally rich in anecdotes librarian "after". I hope more of these conferences!)