Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fishy Smell From Nipple Piercing

Although spring and summer weather even actually sitting at the keyboard is not conducive, but a few events that have passed from the date of the librarian, it is worth mentioning. First of all, a very successful conference and BUS . Be the first one occurred Alek Tarkowski, which is very extensively discussed the problems and paradoxes associated with copyright and alternative - free licenses. I will cite here the idea which I think accurately reflects the current situation: "Nobody can Disney do what he did the brothers Grimm" ... Another common Henryk Hollender, who in a speech on digital libraries listed a lot of their shortcomings, including No single structure, coordination, lack of discussion on this subject and national guidelines. Subsequent discussion revealed that the reality is, however, a tad better, but this criticism into constructive rather not one. From occurring even mention Adam Dudczak (showed that the semantic Internet we have seen a rise), and Gregory Gmiterka (peppered the audience examples of library 2.0). Of course, current information from the life of SDL and SPD not run out:) And yet, I did it!:). The agreement was signed on-site representatives of a dozen institutions, others will systematically dosyłać signed by the presidents or directors of the text. School Humanitas also joined the Consortium:). Well, I absolutely must point out that the network of Polish digital libraries joined another - Podkarpacka Digital Library, which started publication with thousands of disks:). In recent days, there is still an important site - brand new, transparent and user-friendly website Silesian University Library:). Beautiful programs was launched this spring :-)