On the librarian, which of course, very few even remember ... engaged in this profession, so I thought that it can be a bit of my blog readers to examine, among which (hopefully) will find a lot of librarians. And examine the words of the last few months, after entering the reach at this page from a search engine (probably because people already use one: D). These words show what may be librarians or other readers at heart, what problems are "on time", and perhaps also about what issues people want to find some information secret, when no one is looking over my shoulder ;-). In the log, you see these words two streams - the librarians and the general social ... probably some people, those who like to move to the music loins and legs, had already guessed;). At first the fire a handful of words related to digital-library community fach:
library-humor (in all possible variants ... and apparently librarians are boring: P)
futuristic-bn (still alive ...)
-librarians blog
-open access
-habits of librarians
commandments of good-reader (?: D)
I announced the keywords that show what looks for the rest of society, and I (not necessarily in the expected user context) to blog about this I said:
-partner to dance (well-established place in the lead for good!)
-empathy-the symbol of the rabbit;)
-crime, juvenile delinquency, criminology, trade bodies (?)
-thesis, flowers on defense
-10 Commandments (in the variants of all sorts)
-Christmas bunnies: D
-professional customer service
-anglicisms, polszczyzna
difficult customer-participation in culture
-story administration - notes (studenci! not nice: P)
-i .. a basin (friendly and apparently sought)
So all librarians on their holiday, based on this vocabulary ... Let us dance, Let us drop the stereotypes, humor, spurts, uczestniczmy in culture, piszmy blogs, from crime strońmy, from rabbits and hares ... the opposite: D