Thursday, April 3, 2008

Kates Playground Gardcore

Saucer 2.0 - the fourth edition of

the fourth time in Katowice Rondo
Spodek 2.0
. This time, three major presentations, and as always time for a handful of questions and discussion. And this time you could talk with a regional social network (after the presentation by Marcin Nowak MM

Silesia), the first Polish hotel guide video (site
tvhotel , a new "how to" work for professionals, freelancers and other "free": D (this new work style and ambience at the googlowską ruling approached Michael Małowski). So in spite (a propos of the first presentation), I will say that am friendly e-pine ;). But MM Silesia closely watched. tvhotel - an interesting project, but with prolonged viewing of clips from hotel turns my head: D. It should be an option for "slow pace" for having motion sickness like me ;-). And as for the third presentation ... I know that if I pursued a professional coworking would be a good solution for me;). A "motorek" as companions, and a suitable place must be, to the morning off from work, some do not przysnąć times in the course (unless the office hammock: D) and a couple of times provided the work does not save. Very cool thing:). It was very nice, so I'm waiting for the next issue Spodek:)